Research Projects of Young Scientists in phase 2
Name | University | assoc. Project | Title | File/Link |
Siti Meliah | LIPI | B02 | Study of soil myxobacteria diversity in lowland rainforest and converted rainforest in Jambi | Link |
Mazidah Noer Inayah | IPB | B02 | Identification and characterization of Actinomycetes derived from Indonesian soil samples | Link |
Riko Fardiansah | IPB | B08 | Systematics of Goblin Spiders (Oonopidae) and Armored Spiders (Tetrablemmidae) in Rainforest Transformation Systems on Sumatra, Indonesia | Link |
Di Ajeng Prameswari | IPB | B08 | Biomass and Trophic Structure of Soil Communities in Oil Palm Biodiversity Enrichment | Link |
Di Ajeng Prameswari | IPB | B08 | Diversity of soil mesostigmata and their role on food webs in tropical land use systems | Link |
Naufal Rizquilloh | IPB | B08 | Ants as bioindicator of soil ecology in conservation management of oil palm plantation in Jambi province | Link |
Winda Ika Susanti | IPB | B08 | Soil Fauna in the Lowland Rainforest and Agricultural Systems of Sumatra: Changes in Community Composition and Trophic Structure with Focus on Collembola | Link |
Nurul Novianti | IPB | Z02 | Development of a Rapid Molecular Biodiversity Assessment using parasitic wasps from Z02 canopy fogging | Link |
Rizky Nazarreta | IPB | Z02 | Establishment of a taxonomic key and electronic documentation for all ant species of the EFForTS project | Link |
Mayanda Lia | IPB | Z02 | Diversity of canopy spiders (Araneae) assemblages along a transformation gradient in Jambi Province, Indonesia | Link |
Rawati Panjaitan | IPB | Z02 | Diversity of Butterflies (Lepidoptera) across rainforest transformation systems in Bukit Duabelas and Harapan Forest, Jambi | Link |
Mega Mutiari | IPB | Z02 | Structural composition of arboreal arthropod food webs across land use change in two seasons using body mass and stable isotopes | Link |
Amanda Mawan | IPB | Z02 | Diversity, Phylogeny and Trophic Ecology of Arboreal Collembola Communities along a Lowland Rainforest Transformation Gradient | Link |
Kasmiatun | IPB | Z02 | Using body mass and stable isotopes to uncover canopy arthropod food webs across a land use change gradient | Link |
Fatimah Siddikah | IPB | Z02 | Documentation of canopy beetle diversity | Link |