Jobs, internships and theses

Job offers

MSc and BSc theses: general information
We regularly offer topics for MSc and BSc theses (see below) and occasionally accept own topics suggested by students. However, we receive more requests than we can supervise theses. Therefore, please follow these steps when approaching us:

  • Check out what’s on offer: below, we provide short descriptions of suggested student projects embedded in our running research.
  • If you plan to realize your own thesis project, please first familiarize yourself with our main research directions (see here and here). See if your ideas overlap with our interests.
  • Identify a potential supervisor in the department.
  • Contact the supervisor and describe why you are motivated to work with them and in which thematic area. Outline the idea of your thesis research. Attach a CV and describe the skills that you have to realize the suggested research.
  • Once you have agreed on a topic with a supervisor, write a short thesis proposal. A template and guidance can be downloaded here.

MSc and BSc theses offers

  • Currently no offers, please get in contact with potential supervisors