Prof. Dr. Julia Ostner - Publications
- De Moor D, Skelton M, MacaqueNet consortium, Schülke O, Ostner J, Neumann C, Duboscq J, Brent L (in press) MacaqueNet: Advancing comparative behavioural research through large-scale collaboration. Journal of Animal Ecology
- Kawam B, Ostner J, McElreath R, Schülke O & Redhead D (2024) A causal framework for the drivers of animal social network structure. BioRXiv,
- Perea-Garcia Garcia JO, Ostner J, Schülke O, Kaburu S, Majolo B, Marechal L, Jose-Dominguez J-M, Gazagne E, Ruppert N, Micheletta J, Beltrain-Frances V, Castellano-Navarro A, Gupta S, Bourjade M, Massen J, Böhm P, Pflüger L, Duran E, Hobaiter C, Monteiro A J et al. (2023) Ecological functions drive variation in external eye appearance across macaques.
Authorea. - Vogg R, Lüddecke T, Henrich J, Dey S, Nuske M, Hassler V, Murphy D, Fischer J, Ostner J, Schülke O, Kappeler P, Fichtel C, Gail A, Treue S, Scherberger H, Wörgötter F & Ecker A (2024) Computer Vision for Primate Behavior Analysis in the Wild. arXiv,
- Vogg R, Nuske M, Weis M, Lüddecke T, Karakoç E, Ahmed Y, Pereira S, Malaivijitnond, Meesawat S, Wörgötter, Kappeler P, Gail A, Ostner J, Schülke O, Fichtel C & Ecker A (2024) PriMAT: A robust multi-animal tracking model for primates in the wild. bioRXiv,
- Behringer V, Deimel C, Ostner J, Fruth B, Sonnweber B (2024) Modulation of cell mediated immunity during pregnancy in wild bonobos. Biology Letters 20, 20230548,
- Eppley TM .…Ostner J, Schülke O… et al. (2024) Tropical field stations yield high conservation return on investment. Conservation Letters 17, e13007
- Huang P, Arlet M, Balasubramaniam K, Beisner B, Bliss-Moreau E, Brent L, Duboscq J, Garcia-Nisa I, Kaburu S, Kendal R, Konečná M, Marty P, McCowan B, Micheletta J, Ostner J & Schülke O (2024) Relationship between dominance hierarchy steepness and rank-relatedness of benefits in primates. Behavioral Ecology 35, arae066,
- Sadoughi B, Mundry R, Schülke O, Ostner J (2024) Social network shrinking is explained by active and passive effects but not increasing selectivity with age in wild macaques. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 291
- Schülke O, Berghänel A, Rathke EM & Ostner J (2024) Male Barbary macaques choose loyal coalition partners which may increase their coalition network betweenness. Ethology 130, e13413.
- Schülke O, Ostner J (2024) A central role for stressor appraisal in the social dimensions of health and aging in primates. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 159,
- Sterck E, Crockford C, Fischer J, Massen J, Tiddi B, Perry S, Sueur C, Schülke O & Ostner J (2024) The evolution of between-sex bonds in primates. Evolution and Human Behavior 45, 106628
- Stranks J, Heistermann M, Sangmaneedet S, Schülke O & Ostner J (2024) Dynamics of sociality and glucocorticoids in wild male Assamese macaques. Hormones and Behavior 164, 105604,
- Anzà S, Schneider D, Daniel R. Heistermann M, Sangmaneedet S, Ostner J, Schülke O (2023) The long-term gut bacterial signature of a wild primate is associated with timing effect of pre- and postnatal maternal glucocorticoid levels. Microbiome 11, 165
- Behringer V, Heistermann M, Malaivijitnond S, Schülke O, Ostner J (2023) Developmental and environmental modulation of fecal thyroid hormone levels in wild Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis). American Journal of Primatology e23530
- Rafiee Y, Stern J, Ostner J, Penke L & Schacht A. (2023). Does emotion recognition change across phases of the ovulatory cycle? Psychoneuroendocrinology 148, 105977
- Anzà S, Berghänel A, Julia Ostner, Oliver Schülke (2022) Growth trajectories of wild Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis) determined from parallel laser photogrammetry. Mammalian Biology
- Eppley TM, Hoeks S, Chapman CA, Ganzhorn JU, Hall K, Owen MA, Adams DB, Allgas N, Amato KR, Andriamahaihavana M, Aristizabal JF, Baden AL, Balestri M, Barnett A, Bicca-Marques J-C, Bowler M, Boyle SA, Brown M, Caillaud D, Calegaro-Marques C, Campbell CJ, Campera M, Campos FA, Cardoso TS, Carretero-Pinzón X, Champion J, Chaves OM, Chen-Kraus C, Colquhoun IC, Dean B, Dubrueil C, Ellis KM, Erhart EM, Evans KJE, Fedigan LM, Felton A, Ferreira RG, Fichtel C, Fonseca ML, Fontes IP, Fortes VB, Fumian I, Gibson D, Guzzo GB, Hartwell KS, Heymann EW, Hilário RR, Holmes SM, Irwin MT, Johnson SE, Kappeler PM, Kelley EA, King T, Knogge C, Koch F, Kowalewski MM, Lange LR, Lauterbur ME, Louis EE Jr, Lutz MC, Martínez J, Melin AD, de Melo FR, Mihaminekena TH, Mogilewsky MS, Moreira LS, Moura LA, Muhle CB, Nagy-Reis MB, Norconk MA, Notman H, O’Mara MT, Ostner J, Patel ER, Pavelka MSM, Pinacho-Guendulain B, Porter LM, Pozo-Montuy G, Raboy BE, Rahalinarivo V, Raharinoro NA, Rakotomalala Z, Ramos-Fernández G, Rasamisoa DC, Ratsimbazafy J, Ravaloharimanitra M, Ravaloharimanitra J, Razanaparany TP, Righini N, Robson NM, da Rosa Gonçalves J, Sanamo J, Santacruz N, Sato H, Sauther ML, Scarry CL, Serio-Silva JC, Shanee S, de Souza Lins PGA, Smith AC, Smith Aguilar SE, Souza-Alves JP, Stavis VK, Steffens KJE, Stone AI, Strier KB, Talebi M, Tecot SR, Tujague MP, Tujague K, Van Belle S, Vasey N, Wallace RB, Welch G, Wright PC, Donati G, Santini L (2022) Factors influencing terrestriality in primates from the Americas and Madagascar. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119, e2121105119,
- Sadoughi B, Schneider D, Daniel R, Schülke O, Ostner J (2022) Aging gut microbiota of wild macaques are equally diverse, less stable, but progressively personalized. Microbiome 10 95,
- Schülke O, Anzà S, Crockford C, De Moor D, Deschner T, Fichtel C, Gogarten JF, Kappeler PM, Manin V, Müller-Klein N, Prox L, Sadoughi B, Touitou S, Wittig R, Ostner J (2022) Quantifying within-group variation in sociality – covariation among metrics and patterns across primate groups and species. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
- Amato K, Chaves O, Mallott E, Eppley T, Abreu F, Baden A, Barnett A, Bicca-Marques J, Boyle S, Chapman C, De la Fuent M, Fan P, Fashing P, Felton A, Fontes I, Fruth B, Fortes V, Grueter C, Hohmann G, Irwin M, Matthews J, Mekonnen A, Melin A, Ostner J, Nguyen N, Piel A, Pinacho-Guendulain B, Quintino Aredes E, Razanaparany P, Schiel N, Schülke O, Shanee S, Souto A, Souza-Alves J, Stewart F, Stewart K, Stone A, Sun B, Tecot S, Valenta K, Vogel E, Wich S, Zeng Y (2021) Fermented food consumption in wild primates and its ecological drivers. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 2021, 1-18
- Behringer V, Müller-Klein N, Strube C, Schülke O, Heistermann M*, Ostner J* (2021) Responsiveness of fecal Immunoglobulin A to HPA-axis activation limits its use for mucosal immunity assessment. American Journal of Primatology e23329. *shared senior authorship
- Chen H, Yao H, Yang W, Xiang Z, Ostner J, Cristόbal-Azkarate J (2021) Validation of a fecal T3 metabolite assay for measuring energetics in wild golden snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana). International Journal of Primatology
- Kavanagh E,… Ostner J,… Schülke O, … & Slocombe K (2021) Dominance style is a key predictor of vocal use and evolution across nonhuman primates. Royal Society Open Science
- Mielke A, Bruchmann C, Schülke O & Ostner J (2021) Grooming interventions in female rhesus macaques as social niche construction. Animal Behaviour 173, 105-114
- Ostner J, Wilken J, Schülke O (2021) Social contagion of affiliation in female macaques. Royal Society Open Science 8, 201538
- Sadoughi B, Girard-Buttoz C, Engelhardt A, Heistermann M & Ostner J (2021) Non-invasive assessment of metabolic responses to food restriction using urinary triiodothyronine and cortisol measurement in macaques. General and Comparative Endocrinology
- Touitou S, Heistermann M, Schülke O & Ostner J (2021) Triiodothyronine and cortisol levels in the face of energetic challenges from reproduction, thermoregulation and food intake in female macaques. Hormones and Behavior 131, 104968
- Touitou S, Heistermann M, Schülke O & Ostner J (2021) The effect of reproductive state on activity budget, feeding behavior, and urinary C-peptide levels in wild female Assamese macaques. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 75 128 (2021)
- Trede F*, Kil N*, Stranks J*, Connell A, Fischer J, Ostner J, Schülke O, Zinner D & Roos C (2021) A refined panel of 42 microsatellite loci to universally genotype catarrhine primates. Ecology and Evolution 11, 498-505; *joint first authorship
- De Moor D, Roos C, Ostner J, Schülke O (2020) Female Assamese macaques bias their affiliation to paternal and maternal kin. Behavioral Ecology 31, 493
- De Moor D, Roos C, Ostner J, Schülke O (2020) Bonds of bros and brothers: Kinship and social bonding in postdispersal male macaques. Molecular Ecology 29, 3346
- Ebenau A, von Borell C, Penke L, Ostner J, Schülke O (2020) Integrative personality assessment in wild Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis). Journal of Comparative Psychology 134, 27-41;
- Gogarten J, Calvignac-Spencer S, Nunn C, Ulrich M, Saiepour N, Vedel Nielsen H, Deschner T, Fichtel C, Kappeler P, Knauf S, Müller-Klein N, Ostner, Robbins M, Sangmaneedet S, Schülke O Surbeck M, Wittig R, Sliwa A, Strube C, Leendertz F, Roos C & Noll A (2020) Metabarcoding of eukaryotic parasite communities describes diverse parasite assemblages spanning the primate phylogeny. Molecular Ecology Resources 20, 204-2015
- Haunhorst CB, Fürtbauer I, Schülke O, Ostner J (2020) Female macaques compete for ‘power’ and ‘commitment’ in their male partners. Evolution and Human Behavior 41, 117-125
- Port M, Hildenbrandt H, Pen I, Schülke O, Ostner J & Weissing FJ (2020) The evolution of social philopatry in female primates. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 173, 397
- Rincon A, Deschner T, Schülke O & Ostner J (2020) Oxytocin increases after affiliation in male Barbary macaques. Hormones and Behavior 119, 104661
- Rincon A, Heistermann M, Schülke O & Ostner J (2020) Testosterone and cortisol are negatively associatiated with ritualized bonding behavior in male macaques. Psychoneuroendocrinology 120, 104774
- Schülke O, Dumdey N & Ostner O (2020) Selective attention for affiliative and agonistic interactions of dominants and close affiliates in macaques. Scientific Reports 10, 5962
- Schülke O, Ostner J, Berghänel A (2019) Prenatal maternal stress effects on the development of primate social behavior. Behavoural Ecology and Sociobiology 73, 128
- Kuběnová B, Ostner J, Schülke O, Majolo B, Šmilauer P, Waterman J, Tkaczynski P & Konečná M (2019) The male and female perspective in the link between male infant care and mating behaviour in Barbary macaques. Ethology 125, 914-924
Ostner J, Schülke O (2019). Personality homophily affects male social bonding in wild Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis). Animal Behaviour 155, 21-35 - Müller-Klein N, Heistermann M, Strube C, Franz M, Schülke O & Ostner J (2019) Exposure and susceptibility drive reinfection with gastrointestinal parasites in a social primate. Functional Ecology 33, 1088-1098
- Müller-Klein N, Heistermann M, Strube C, Morbach Z, Lilie N, Franz M, Schülke O & Ostner J (2019) Physiological and social consequences of gastrointestinal nematode infection in a nonhuman primate. Behavioral Ecology 30, 322-335
- Kuběnová B, Ostner J,Schülke O, Majolo B, Waterman J, Tkaczynski P, Šmilauer P & Konečná M (2019) The effect of dominance rank on the distribution of different types of male-infant-male interactions in Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus). International Journal Primatology 40, 300-315
- Paschek N, Müller N, Heistermann M, Ostner J, Schülke O (2019) Subtypes of aggression and their relation to anxiety in Barbary macaques. Aggressive Behavior 45, 120-128
- Rincon AV, Ostner J, Heistermann, M, Deschner T (2019) Measuring urinary cortisol and testosterone levels in male Barbary macaques: A comparison of EIA and LC–MS. General & Comparative Endocrinology 281, 117-125
- Gutleb D, Roos C, Noll A, Ostner J & Schülke O (2018) COMT Val158Met moderates the link between rank and aggression in a non-human primate. Genes, Brain and Behavior 17, e12443
- Gutleb D, Ostner J, Schülke O, Wajjwalku W, Sukmak M, Roos C & Noll A (in press) Non-invasive genotyping with a massively parallel sequencing panel for the detection of SNPs in HPA-axis genes. Scientific Reports 8, 15944
- Ostner J Primate social cognition – evidence from primate field studies. In: Di Paolo L & Di Vincenzo F (Eds.). Evolution of Primate Social Cognition. Springer
- Kordsmeyer T, Hunt J, Puts D, Ostner J & Penke L (2018) The relative importance of intra- and intersexual selection on human male sexually dimorphic traits. Evolution and Human Behavior 39, 424-436
- Ostner J & Schülke O (2018) Linking sociality to fitness in primates – a call for mechanisms. Advances in the Study of Behavior 50, 127-175
- Port M, Schülke O & Ostner J (2018) Reproductive tolerance in male primates - old paradigms and new evidence. Evolutionary Anthropology 27, 107-120
- Puga-Gonzalez I, Ostner J, Schülke O, Sosa S, Thierry B & Sueur C (2018) Mechanisms of reciprocity and diversity in social networks: a modelling and comparative approach. Behavioral Ecology 29, 745-760
- Schülke O & Ostner J (2018) Male bonding. In: Trevathan W (Ed.). International Encyclopedia of Biological Anthropology. John Wiley and sons
- Arslan RC, von Borell CJ, Ostner J & Penke L (2017) Negative results are needed to show the specificity of a cultural explanation for g - Commentary on Burkart et al. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40, doi:10.1017/S0140525X16001588
- Berghänel A, Heistermann M, Schülke O and Ostner J (2017) Prenatal stress accelerates offspring growth to compensate for reduced maternal investment across mammals, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 114 (50) E10658-E10666
- Donati G, Santini L, Eppley TM, Arrigo-Nelson SJ, Balestri M, Boinski S, Bollen A, Bridgeman LL, Campera M, Carrai V, Chalise MK, Derby A, Hohmann G, Kinnaird MF, Koenig A, Kowalewski M, Lahann P, McLennan MR, Nekaris AKI, Nijman V, Norscia I, Ostner J, Polowinsky SY, Schülke O, Schwitzer C, Stevenson PR, Talebi MG, Tan C, Tomaschewskij I, Vogel ER, Wright PC & Ganzhorn JU (2017) Low levels of fruit nitrogen as drivers for the evolution of Madagascar‘s primate communities. Scientific Reports 7, 14406
- Fink B, Wübker M, Ostner J, Butovskaya ML, Mezentseva A, Munoz-Reyes JA, Sela Y & Shakelford TK (2017) Cross-cultural investigation of male gait perception in relation to physical strength and speed. Frontiers in Psychology 8, 1427
- Haunhorst C, Heesen M, Ostner J & Schülke O (2017) Social bonds with males lower costs of competition for wild female Assamese macaques, Animal Behaviour 165, 51-60
- Kalbitz J, Schülke O, Ostner J (2017)Triadic male-infant-male interaction serves in bond maintenance in male Assamese macaques. PLoS ONE 12 e0183981. DOI:10.1371/0183981
- Kubenova B, Konecna M, Majolo B, Smilauer P, Ostner J & Schülke O (2017) Triadic awareness predicts partner choice in male-infant-male interactions in Barbary macaques, Animal Cognition 20, 221-232; DOI: 10.1007/s10071-016-1041-y
- Müller N, Heistermann M, Strube C, Schülke O & Ostner J (2017) Age, but not anthelmintic treatment, is associated with urinary neopterin levels in semi-free ranging Barbary macaques Scientific Reports 7, 41973
- Port M, Schülke O & Ostner J (2017) From individual to group territoriality: Competitive environments promote the evolution of sociality, American Naturalist 189, E46-E57; DOI: 10.1086/690218
- Rathke E, Berghänel A, Bissonette A, Ostner J & Schülke O (2017) Age-dependent change of coalitionary strategy in male Barbary macaques, Primate Biology 4, 1-7
- Schülke O & Ostner J (2017) Male bonding. The international Encyclopedia of Primatology. John Wiley and sonsDOI: 10.1002/9781119179313.wbprim0239
- Sukmak M, Wajjwalku W, Ostner J & Schülke O (2017) A first report of non-invasive adenovirus detection in wild Assamese macaques in Thailand, Primates 58, 303-317
- Berghänel A, Heistermann M, Schülke O and Ostner J (2016) Prenatal stress effects in a wild, long-lived primate: predictive adaptive responses in an unpredictable environment, Proceedings of the Royal Society London B 283, 20161304
- Chalise M, Cooper M, Ostner J & Schülke O (2016) Assam Macaque (Macaca assamensis). In: Rowe N, Myers M (eds.) All the World?s Primates. Pogonias Press, Charlestown, 401-402
- Haunhorst C, Schülke O and Ostner J (2016) Opposite-sex social bonding in wild Assamese macaques, American Journal of Primatology 78, 872-882
- Kalbitz J, Ostner J & Schülke O (2016) Strong, equitable and long-term social bonds in the dispersing sex in Assamese macaques, Animal Behaviour 113, 13-22
- Minge C, Berghänel A, Schülke O & Ostner J (2016) Patterns and consequences of male-infant relationships in wild Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis), International Journal of Primatology 37, 350-370
- Richter C, Heesen M, Nenadic O, Ostner J & Schülke O (2016) Males matter: increased home range size is associated with the number of resident males after controlling for ecological factors in wild Assamese macaques, American Journal of Physical Anthropology 159, 52-62
- Seltmann A, Franz Mathias, Majolo B, Qarro M, Ostner J & Schülke O (2016) Recruitment and monitoring behaviors by leaders predict following in wild Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus), Primate Biology 3, 23-31
- Adams M, Majolo B, Ostner J, Schülke O, De Marco A, Thierry B, Engelhardt A, Widdig A, Gerald M & Weiss A (2015) Personality structure and social style in macaques, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
- Berghänel A, Schülke O & Ostner J (2015) Locomotor play drives motor skill acquisition at the expense of growth: a life history trade-off, Science advances 1, e1500451. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1500451
- Heesen M, Macdonald S, Ostner J & Schülke O (2015) Ecological and social determinants of group cohesiveness and within-group spatial position in wild Assamese macaques, Ethology 121, 270-283
- Richter C, Gras P, Hodges K, Ostner J & Schülke O (2015) Feeding behavior and aggression in wild Sibarut macaques (Macaca sibaru) living under low predation risk, American Journal of Primatology 77, 741-752
- Bissonnette A, Franz M, Schülke O & Ostner J (2014) Socioecology, but not cognition, predicts male coalitions across primates, Behavioral Ecology 25, 794-801
- Fürtbauer I, Heistermann M, Schülke O & Ostner J (2014) Low female stress hormone levels are predicted by same- or opposite-sex sociality depending on season in wild Assamese macaques, Psychoneuroendocrinology 48, 19-28
- Heesen M, Rogahn S, Macdonald S, Ostner J & Schülke O (2014) Predictors of food-related aggression in wild Assamese macaques and the role of conflict avoidance, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 68, 1829-1841
- Müller M, Ostner J, Schülke O & Walter L (2014) Towards the non-invasive assessment of MHC genotype in wild primates: analysis of wild Assamese macaque MHC-DRB from fecal samples, American Journal of Primatology 76, 230-238
- Nunn C, Scully E, Kutsukake N, Ostner J, Schülke O & Thrall P (2014) Mating competition, promiscuity, and life history traits as predictors of secually transmitted disease risk in primates, International Journal of Primatology 35, 764-786
- Ostner J & Schülke O (2014) The evolution of social bonds in primate males, Behaviour 151, 871-906
- Schülke O, Heistermann M & Ostner J Lack of evidence for energetic costs of mate-guarding in wild male Assamese macaques, International Journal of Primatology 35, 677-700
- Sukmak M, Malaivijitnond S, Schülke O, Ostner J, Hamada Y & Wajjwalku W (2014) Preliminary study of the gentic diversity of eastern Assames macaques (Macaca assamensis assamensis) in Thailand based on mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite markers, Primates 55, 189-197
- Sukmak M, Wajjwalku W, Ostner J & Schülke O (2014) Dominance rank, female reproductive synchrony, and male reproductive skew in wild Assamese macaques, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 68, 1097-1108
- Young C, Majolo B, Heistermann M, Schülke O & Ostner J (2014) Responses to social and environmental stress are attenuated by strong male bonds in wild macaques, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences-3111, 18195-18200
- Young C, Majolo B, Schülke O & Ostner J (2014) Male social bonds and rank predict supporter selection in cooperative aggression in wild Barbary macaques, Animal Behaviour 95, 23-32
- Young C, Schülke O & Ostner J (2014) How males form coalitions against rivals and the Pandit/van Schaik coalition model, Behaviour 151, 907-934
- De la O Rodriguez C, Mevis L, Richter C, Malaivijitnond S, Ostner J & Schülke O (2013) Reconciliation in male stumptailed macaques (Macaca arctoides): intolerant males care for their social relationships. Ethology 119, 39-51
- Franz M, Schülke O & Ostner J (2013) Rapid evolution of cooperation in group-living animals. BMC Evolutionary Biology 13:325, doi:10.1186/1471-2148-13-235
- Fürtbauer I, Heistermann M, Schülke O & Ostner J (2013) Female fecal androgens prior to the mating season reflect readiness to conceive in reproductively quiescent wild macaques. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 151, 311-315
- Heesen M, Rogahn S, Ostner J, Schülke O (2013) Food abundance affects energy intake and reproduction in frugivorous female Assamese macaques. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67, 1052-1066, doi:10.1007/s00265-013-1530-9
- Macdonald S, Schülke O* & Ostner J* (2013) The absence of grooming for rank-related benefits in female Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis). International Journal of Primatology 34, 571-584
- Ostner J, Vigilant L, Bhagavatula J, Franz M, Schülke O (2013) Stable heterosexual associations in a promiscuous primate. Animal Behaviour 86, 623-631
- Richter C, Taufiq A, Hodges K, Ostner J & Schülke O (2013) Ecology of an endemic primate species (Macaca siberu) on Siberut Island, Indonesia. SpringerPlus 2, 137
- Schülke O, Wenzel S & Ostner J (2013) Paternal relatedness predicts the strength of social bonds among female rhesus macaques. PLoS ONE 8(3): e59789. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0059789
- Seltmann A, Majolo B, Schülke O* & Ostner J* (2013) The organization of collective group movements in wild Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus): social structure drives processes of group coordination in macaques. PLoS One 8(6): e67285 *equal contribution as last authors
- Young C, Hähndel S, Majolo B, Schülke O* & Ostner J* (2013) Male coalitions, dominance rank and female preferences independently affect male mating success in wild Barbary macaques. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67, 1665-1677, *equal contribution as last authors
- Young C, Majolo B, Heistermann M, Schülke O & Ostner J (2013) Male mating behaviour in relation to female sexual swellings, socio-sexual behaviour and hormonal changes in wild Barbary macaques. Horm Behav 63, 32-39
- Fürtbauer I, Heistermann M, Schülke O & Ostner J (2012) Patterns of fecal androgen excretion and fetal sex effects during gestation in wild female Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis) . American Journal of Physical Anthropology 147, 334-339
- Schülke O & Ostner J (2012) Ecological and social influences on sociality. In: Mitani, J, Call J, Kappeler P, Palombit R & Silk J (eds.) The Evolution of Primate Societies, Chicago, University of Chicago Press
- Young C, Schülke O, Ostner J & Majolo B (2012) Consumption of unusual prey items in the Barbary macaque (Macaca sylvanus). African Primates 7, 224-229
- Berghänel A, Ostner J & Schülke O (2011) Coalitions destabilize dyadic dominance relationships in male Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus). Behaviour 148, 1256-1274
- Berghänel A, Ostner J, Schröder U & Schülke O (2011) Social bonds predict future cooperation in male Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus). Animal Behaviour 81, 1109-1116
- Franz M, van der Post D, Schülke O & Ostner J (2011) The evolution of cooperative turn-taking in animal conflict. BMC Evolutionary Biology 11, 323
- Fürtbauer I, Mundry R, Heistermann M, Schülke O & Ostner J (2011) You mate, I mate: macaque females synchronize sex, not cycles. PLoS One 6, e26144. doi:10.1371
- Fürtbauer I, Schülke O, Heistermann M & Ostner J (2011) Concealed fertility and extended female sexuality in a nonhuman primate (Macaca assamensis). PLoS ONE 6, e23105
- Ostner J, Heistermann M & Schülke O (2011) Male competition and its hormonal correlates in wild Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis). Hormones & Behavior 59, 105-113
- Schülke O, Pesek D, Whitman BJ & Ostner J (2011) Ecology of Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis) at Phu Khieo Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand. Journal of Wildlife in Thailand 18, 1-15
- Berghänel A, Schülke O & Ostner J (2010) Coalition formation among Barbary macaque males ? the influence of scramble competition. Animal Behaviour 80, 675-682
- Fürtbauer I, Schülke O, Heistermann M & Ostner J (2010) Reproductive and life history parameters in wild female Macaca assamensis. International Journal of Primatology 31, 501-517
- Schülke O, Bhagavatula J, Vigilant L & Ostner J (2010) Social bonds enhance reproductive success in male macaques. Current Biology 20, 2207-2210
- Koch G, Ostner J, Peisker M & Schülke O (2009) Eine Analyse ultimaten Verhaltens als Erklärungsansatz des moral hazards. Zeitschrift für die gesamte Versicherungswissenschaft 98: 315-338
- Leising D, Rogers K & Ostner J (2009) The un-disordered personality: normative assumptions underlying personality disorder diagnoses. Review of General Psychology 13, 230-241
- Ostner J (2009) Primatologie. In: Bohlken E & Thies C (eds.) Handbuch Anthropologie ? Der Mensch zwischen Natur, Kultur und Technik. J.B. Metzler Verlag, 233-241
- Richter C, Mevis L, Malaivijitnond S, Schülke O & Ostner J (2009) Social Relationships in Free-Ranging Male Macaca arctoides. International Journal of Primatology 30: 625-642