Jana Eyssel, MSc
Jana Eyssel obtained her BSc in Psychology (with distinction) from Leipzig University in 2011, focusing on social psychology, especially on social identity and mechanisms of discrimination. She wrote her dissertation on the relationship between TV consumption, Islamophobia and acculturation orientations in non-Muslim Germans.
After working in Istanbul for a Turkish NGO active in political and intercultural youth education and exchange for one year, Jana Eyssel studied the Masters programme Political Psychology at Queen's University Belfast, UK, and graduated in 2013 (with distinction). Her Masters thesis addressed empowerment and politicization processes in members of LGBT organizations.
Having lived in France, the Netherlands, Turkey, and the UK, and having studied social psychology and attitudes towards minorities, Jana is very interested in European identity, identity changes, intergroup attitudes and social movements.
In the Euroculture Göttingen team, her tasks include event management, promotion of Euroculture and the preparation of Euroculture courses.
Publications and Conferences
Geschke, D., Eyssel, J., & Frindte, W. (2014). Immer richtig informiert? Zusammenhänge zwischen Fernsehkonsum und Islamophobie. In F. Hafez (Hrsg.), Jahrbuch für Islamophobieforschung 2014. Wien: New Academic Press.
Eyssel, J., Geschke, D., & Frindte, W. (2014). Is seeing believing? - The relationship between TV consumption and Islamophobia in German majority society. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Eyssel, J. (2013, November). Towards social change - empowerment and politicised identities in members of LGBT associations. Annual Conference of the Sibéal Feminist and Gender Studies Network, Belfast.
Eyssel, J., Geschke, D., & Frindte, W. (2011, Juli). Is seeing believing? The relationship between TV consumption and the extent of Islamophobia in German mainstream society. Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Political Psychology, Istanbul.