"Quality Assurance in Teaching and Learning with particular regard to heterogeneous student cohorts"
Åsa Kettis

Dr Åsa Kettis is Head of the Division for Quality Enhancement at Uppsala University (UU), and Associate Professor in Social Pharmacy. The Division supports quality assurance and quality enhancement at UU (research and education), offers courses and pedagogical consulting services to teachers, career services for academic staff, and academic leadership training. Dr Kettis has been on the Swedish Rectors’ Conference’s (SUHF) Expert Team on Quality, and she is currently on an advisory committee for the Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ). She has participated in agency-led institutional reviews in Scotland (QAA), Denmark (AI), and Norway (NOKUT). She is appointed as International Quality Review (IQR) Reviewer for QAA, UK. Kettis is also UU’s coordinator for development cooperation projects on quality assurance at Makerere University, Uganda and Universidad Eduardo Mondlane, Mozambique, respectively.