Conference contributions
Asabere SB (2024). Integrative Approaches to Landscape and Soil Dynamics (LSD): Addressing Environmental Challenges Across Diverse Ecosystems. 13th Indo-German Frontiers of Engineering Symposium. India Institute of Technology - Bombay, Mumbai, India. (Poster)
Bhattarai S, Sauer D, Potthoff M, Asabere SB, Drollinger S, Enescu R, Zerbe S, Sauerwein M (2024). Influence of trees on earthworm abundance and soil properties in wood pastures of southern Transylvania, Romania. German Ecological Society, 53rd Annual Conference, Freising, TU Munich, Germany. (Poster)
Asabere SB, Ankit A, Peplau T, Drollinger S, Poeplau C, Sauer D, Don A (2024). A multi-method approach to characterise and quantify pyrogenic carbon in tropical urban agroecosystems. EGU General Assembly meeting 2024, Vienna, Austria. (Poster)
Drollinger S, Schwindt D, Putzenlecher B, Asabere SB, Lehmann TP, Sauer D (2024). Carbon flux, energy balance and vegetation change of a recently restored forest peatland in the Solling mountains, Germany. EGU General Assembly meeting 2024, Vienna, Austria. (Poster)
Asabere SB, Jung M, Sauer D, Don A (2023). Anthropogenic sources enhance soil organic matter (SOM) contents but not SOM stability in tropical urban arable soils. DBG 2023 conference, Halle, Germany. (Poster)
Klinge M, Schwindt D, Asabere SB, Sauer D (2023). Kleinräumige Unterscheide der Bodenfeuchtedynamik beeinflussen das Vitalitätsmuster von Buchenbestände unter Trockenstress im Harz. DBG 2023 conference, Halle, Germany. (Oral)
Asabere SB, Don A, Peplau T, Sauer D (2023). Soil organic matter decreases with increasing urbanization in highly weathered rainfed tropical arable soils. EGU General Assembly meeting 2023, Vienna, Austria. (Oral)
Bhattarai S, Asabere SB, Sauer D, Friedel J (2023). Higher earthworm abundance in conventionally managed agricultural fields than ecologically managed fields. EGU General Assembly meeting 2023, Vienna, Austria. (Poster)
Asabere SB (2022). Urban form patterns, environmental impacts, and accessibility trends in metropolitan regions of Ghana. Workshop on urbanization and urban morphology modelling, focusing on mega urban regions 2022. Ludwig-Maximillian University of Munich.(Invited talk)
2021 / 2020
Asabere SB (2021). Spatio-temporal effects of urbanization on SOC sources, distribution, and composition in tropical agricultural soils. DFG Agroecosystem 2020. (Oral)
Asabere SB (2020). Effects of urbanization on soil C dynamics: sources, distribution, and compositional patterns of soil organic matter in tropical urban arable soils. Institute of Climate-Smart Agriculture, Thuenen Institute.(Invited talk)
Before 2020
Asabere SB (2019). Urbanisation, land cover transition and spatio-environmental impacts of two metropolitan regions of Ghana. Water Power Symposium 2019, Institute of Geography, University of Trier. (Invited talk)
Nketia KA, Ramcharan AM, Asabere SB, Erasmi S, Sauer D (2019). Spatio-Temporal Mapping of Soil Water Storage in a Semi-Arid Landscape of Northern Ghana. AGU Fall meeting 2019, San Francisco, USA. (Poster)
Asabere SB, Jiangyun L, Hughes HJ, Sauer D (2019). Urbanization enhances stocks of P fractions in strongly weathered arable soils of Kumasi (Ghana). EGU General Assembly meeting 2019, Vienna, Austria. (Poster)
Asabere SB, Zeppenfeld T, Nketia KA, Haering V, Sauer D (2018). Influence of urbanisation on nutrient availability and cation exchange capacity in arable soils of Kumasi (Ghana). EGU General Assembly meeting 2018, Vienna, Austria. (Oral)
Asabere SB, Zeppenfeld T, Nketia KA, Sauer D (2018). Influence of urbanisation on pH, carbonate and soil organic matter stocks of arable soils of Kumasi (Ghana). EGU General Assembly meeting 2018, Vienna, Austria. (Poster)
Asabere SB, Herth R, Haering V, Schanze J, Sauer D (2017). Urban-rural gradient analysis of amount and distribution of carbon and nitrogen in soils of Kumasi region, Ghana. DBG 2017 conference, Goettingen, Germany. (Poster)
Asabere SB (2017). Patterns of urbanization in major cities of Ghana and implications for sustainable development. Geography Colloquium – summer semester 2017, Institute of Geography, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. (Invited talk)
Asabere SB (2013). Land cover change in Ghana and its impact on landscape structure and carbon budget. Conservation and sustainable use of ecosystems 2013. Erst-Moritz-Arndt University of Greifswald, Germany. (Oral)