

Steve Tonah (2023): "Making the town: Afro-Brazilian Tabon returnees and the transformation of Accra from the early colonial times“, Global Qualitative Sociology Network.

Eva Bahl (2023): „Challenges and ambivalences of a global micro-sociology“, Global Qualitative Sociology Network.

Ausstehende Vorträge

Eva Bahl (2024): “Entangled histories and relational memories” RC 38 conference "Biographical research quo vadis", Budapest/Hungary.

Vergangene Vorträge

Lucas Cé Sangalli (2024): “Knowledge About ‘the Past’: Processes of Legitimation in the Production of and Access to the Past Among African Descendants in Brazilian ‘Quilombos’”, 4th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability (“SMUS Conference”), Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok/Thailand.

Eva Bahl (2024): “Memories of Enslavement in Ghana and Brazil – Entanglements, Figurations, Relationalities”, 4th Workshop of the “Global Qualitative Sociology”-Network, Shue Yan University, Hong Kong. May 25th.

Eva Bahl (2023): “Perspectivas biográficas sobre memorias colectivas pos/coloniales”, Universidad de la Frontera, Temuco, Chile. December 6th.

Eva Bahl (2023): „Elmina and Cape Coast (Ghana) As Points of Intersection: Entangled Histories and Relational Memories“, XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Melbourne, June 28th.

Steve Tonah (2023): „Making the Town: Afro-Brazilian Returnees and the Transformation of Accra from the Early Colonial Times till Today“, Workshop: Global Sociology and Comparative Urbanism, University of Ghana, Legon, February 15th.

Ruth Kaburi (2022): “Memories of Slavery: Traditional Religious Practices among the Tabom of Accra“ University of Ghana/Department of Sociology, Legon, September 30th.


Gabriele Rosenthal & Maria Pohn-Lauggas (2022): “Project Report: Preliminary findings from the first field trip to Ghana by the Göttingen team”

Felix Longi Y T & Dr Samuel Nana Abokyi (2022): “Project Report: Individual and collective memories of slavery and the slave trade: Preliminary Reflections from Salaga and Yendi”

Steve Tonah (2022): “Project Report: The Tabom of Accra, Ghana: A Study of the Integration Processes and Memories of Slavery and Slave Trade Among Descendants of Ex-Slaves and Returnees from Brazil”