Teaching (and) GenAI in higher education (A/B)
Dates and work units: 4 WU
- Tue, 8th of July 2025, 9.00-13.00 o’clock, online
Please register no later than 24th of June 2025.
Later registrations will be considered depending on the number of registrations.
Due to rapid changes in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) we experience new challenges and new possibilities in higher education.
In this workshop, we will discuss how AI can be integrated into teaching and learning endeavors, and how we, as educators, can help our students competently use AI tools in their learning processes.
Therefore, we will focus on the use of generative AI (GenAI), such as ChatGPT, and reflect on the practical and ethical issues that need to be considered when dealing with GenAI in higher education (and beyond). Moreover, in relation to your own experiences and specific teaching contexts, we will analyze and (re)design approaches to foster competent use of AI in your courses.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
During the workshop, you as participants will have the chance to
- broaden your knowledge about GenAI tools and their functionalities related to higher education;
- reflect practical and ethical issues related to the use of GenAI;
- encounter and discuss diverse approaches of dealing with GenAI in academic teaching and learning contexts;
- develop ideas of how to attend the issue of competent use of AI together with your students.
Online: you will receive information on the meeting details before the workshop
Working forms:
- plenary discussion
- input
- group work
- individual reflection
Course language: english
Dr. Angelika Thielsch: member of the section for teaching and learning in higher education of the University of Göttingen.