
zelle_jobs_xsProjects for Bachelors and Masters theses are available throughout the year and upon request. We are always looking for motivated students to work on our different projects.
Examples for current projects are (for any of the projects either contact Prof. Sarah Köster or the person indicated with the project; the contact details are found on the members list):

  • Small angle X-ray scattering on intermediate filament proteins (including mutants that lead to diseases.
  • Cell imaging and co-localization of different cytoskeletal filament types, including image processing. Contact: Ruth Meyer, Dr. Ulrike Rölleke.
  • Development of microfluidic flow chambers for x-ray experiments. Contact: Boram Yu, Dr. Mangalika Sinha.
  • Statistics on cells on micropatterns.
  • Microrheology in cytoskeletal networks.Contact: Kaan Ürgüp, Shanay Zafari, Pratima Sawant.
  • Single filament experiments. Contact: Dr. Pallavi Kumari.
  • Dynamic cytoskeletal filaments. Contact: Tiago Mimoso, Saheli Dey.

  • We also welcome more advanced young researchers in our group and are happy to share the excellent infrastructure. If you are a postdoc with your own funding or willing to apply for your own funding, please contact us. Likewise, in case you would like to start you own independent junior research group with secured funding (e.g. ERC Starting Grant, Emmy Noether Fellowship of the DFG or similar) please contact us, so we can discuss the possibilities we can offer in Göttingen.

    Prof. Dr. Sarah Köster
    Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
    Institute for X-Ray Physics
    Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1, F.00.106
    37077 Göttingen, Germany