Anees, Dr. Muhammad
Dr. Muhammad Anees
PhD candidate (funded by DAAD Scholarship, Call 2018-19)
Department of Structural Geology and Geothermics, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
PhD Student, University of Göttingen (2019-present)
Junior Research Scientist, Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission, Pakistan (2015-2019)
Geology (M.Phil), Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan (2013-2015)
Earth Sciences (B.Sc), COMSATS University, Abbottabad, Pakistan (2009-2013)
Research Interests
Measurement of heat production rates in pre-syn and post tectonic collision Granitoids of Northern Pakistan and their evaluation as potential geothermal prospects.
Muhammad Anees, Mumtaz M. Shah, Aziz A. Qureshi and Shahid Manzoor. (2017) Multi Proxy Approach towards Delineating Source Potential of Hot Springs in Kotli District (Azad Kashmir, Pakistan. Geologica Acta, . Vol. 15 (3), pp. 217-230 .
Muhammad Anees, Muaaz Shoukat, M. Akbar Khan, Mussawir Abbasi (2017) Comparison of Remote Sensing Algorithms for Discrimination of Major Rock Units using ASTER data at Lakhra Anticline, Sindh, Pakistan. Journal of Space Technology, Vol. 7 (1), pp. 50-55. .
Muhammad Anees, Ali Abbas Wajid, Aziz Ahmed Qureshi (2016) Study of Textural and Petrographic Features in Mansehra Granite, Pakistan: Implications on Gamma Radioactivity and Dose Rates. The Nucleus, Pakistan, Vol. 51(1), pp. 38-48.