Lecturer: Stephen Youngjun Park Ph.D. Target Audience: Master students of MEB, UF, MAN, FRS, GLOB, WINF, Wi-Päd, Steuerlehre, IECO, Development Economics, History of global markets or Angewandte Statistik Time and Place: Examination: Term Paper (max. 6000 words) - 6 Credits Learning Goals:Discrete choice modeling deals with analyzing choice behavior of individuals (e.g., consumers) as a function of variables that describe the choice alternatives and/or the individuals. After successful attendance the students will understand the methodological principles of discrete choice modeling. Further, they will be able to estimate own discrete choice models using the statistical programming language R. (Previous knowledge in R is not required!) Contents: Lecture: Examination: Term Paper (max. 6000 words) - 6 Credits