No responsibility can be taken for the correctness of this information. All information is given without guarantee.


All people working in the student advisory service of the Institute of Computer Science are listed here. For questions regarding forms, applications, registration, examination authorizations, etc. please contact the Administration Office. For questions regarding the structure of the study programme, credits, study plans, or general questions please contact the study advisors. Please visit the regular office hours of our study advisors or make an appointment. For complex issues we recommend a consultation by appointment. All consultations are confidential! Our study advisors also can help you if you have questions or problems like exam nerves, difficulties with your thesis or your supervisor, discrimination, duration of your studies, VISA, etc. Additionally, they know other contacts on Göttingen Campus who might be helpful for you.
Yes, the University of Göttingen and cooperating institutions offer many advisory and information services, like central student advisory service, psychological counselling, Career Service, counselling for handicapped students, counselling in statistics, etc. You will find a list of all offers here. If you need further information please contact our study advisors.

The central student advisory service also offers various events, also for new students, or supports you to implement suitable learning strategies.

Besides individual counselling and coaching the psychological counselling also offers group counselling and courses like a coaching group for international MSc and PhD students.
News and announcements of the Institute of Computer Science can be found here. Additionally, we have a blog where we post news regarding the study programmes, office hours of the study advisors, special events for students, etc.
There is a lot of support for pregnant students. Please contact our study advisor Dr. Anne-Kathrin Schultz for further advice and guidance on your next steps.
The Anti-Discrimination Advisory Service for Students offers a safe space to talk about one’s own or observed experiences of discrimination. It is for students who have experienced discrimination, especially because of (ascribed) attributes such as appearance, colour of skin, origin, name, language or religion. The aim of the counseling is to empower the advice-searching person in their opportunities. Every request is confidential. The needs of the person are at the center of the counseling process.
The peer-to-peer counseling for trans* students at the University of Göttingen ended in December 2019. On the web page you can still find information about gender diversity and links to counseling services.

Application/registration for MSc programme

All candidates have to apply via our online application form. As all information is given on our web pages, please read the information and regulations carefully before you contact us! Additionally, please contact us only if you have specific questions that cannot be answered by our web pages. General application questions won’t be answered. We do not offer any eligibility check.
The regulations for admission can be found here.
The application deadline for international students is usually April 15th and October 15th for the following semester. The application deadline for national and EU citizens or students with a EU degree is usually June 15th and December 15th. As these deadlines are subject to change, please check the web pages regularly. The application portal usually opens one month before the deadline.
Further information regarding living costs, studying in Göttingen, accommodation, etc. can be found on the web pages of Göttingen International.
No. Questions regarding eligibility will not be answered.
The admission committee evaluates all applications after the application deadline. As we usually receive many applications please be patient. The whole procedure can take two to three months. Due to legal reasons we are not allowed to make any statement about a running application procedure! So please refrain from contacting us regarding this issue. You will be notified by mail as soon as a decision has been made.
After your admission you will also get an email from Göttingen International. You will be informed about everything you need to in that email. This will cover topics like registration at the University and living in Göttingen, etc.
The University of Göttingen offers a guest study programme. Refugees who want to be guest students at the University of Göttingen find information here. Refugees who want to study as regular MSc students please apply through the MSc application portal. There is an option „special treatment“ where you can upload information about your refugee status. Contact person in the Institute of Computer Science is our study advisor.
The study programmes at the Institute of Computer Science offer many options to personalize your studies. Thus, there is no default study plan for all students. Depending on your interests and previous knowledge you have to create your individual study plan and select among various courses. Of course, several criteria have to be fulfilled. They are described in the module catalogue and will be described in the introductory lecture. Registered students should make an appointment for individual counselling if they need help with the study plan.

Structure of MSc programme

The MSc programme Applied Computer Science requires 120 Credit Points (C) to be successfully completed. The regular programme length is 4 semesters. Usually, the Master thesis is done in the 4th semester. The credits have to be collected in different subject areas. Within these subject areas the credits must be collected from different groups of courses. This varies among the specializations. For further information please read the the module catalogue or ask the representative of your specialization or the study advisors.

The Master programme requires 120 credit points (C) to be successfully completed. As the length of the MSc programme is 4 semesters, on average 30 C should be collected per semester.
At the beginning of the first semester, the study advisor will provide a list of courses that are suitable for students of the first semester. These courses are only a recommendation and not obligatory. Additionally, not all of them should be taken. Especially for new students who are not yet familiar with our study programme some of these courses might be a good start.

Yes. For new international MSc students we offer an introductory course on the first day in the period of lectures. This course is not mandatory but highly recommended. In this lecture, you will be informed about the general structure of the programme, will meet the dean of studies and the student advisors, and can ask all questions you have. This introductory course will be followed by a poster session, which will take place in the Institute of Computer Science. During this poster session, all research groups of the institute as well as the representatives of the specializations present a poster with an overview of their courses and research. This gives you the opportunity to inform yourself about the specializations, the research topics and get in contact with supervisors. As this poster session is open for all MSc students you will also have the opportunity to get in contact with advanced MSc students. Also the student body (“Fachgruppe”) have a poster and will be glad to answer your questions. Their office is on floor -1 and you are always welcome to come by.

This depends on your previous knowledge and your interests. There are various specializations, a short overview can be found here. A very good opportunity to get in contact with the research groups is during the poster session for MSc students at the beginning of every semester. We recommend to decide for a specialization at the beginning of the second semester at the latest.

Every student needs a study plan to finish his studies successfully. This study plan has to be confirmed by the respresentative of the chosen specialization or the supervisor (mentor) as well as the study advisor. We recommend to create the study plan at the beginning of the second semester at the latest. As the MSc programme is a programme with many options there is no default study plan for all students. Depending on your interests and previous knowledge you can (and have to) create your individual study plan and select among various courses. Of course, several criteria have to be fulfilled. They are described in the the module catalogue and will be described in the introductory lecture. Please contact the study advisors for more information.
If you don’t know which specialization you want to choose we recommend to start with courses from core computer science as you have to collect at least 30 C in this subject area. If you have decided for a specialization and have found a supervisor, you must also confirm your study plan with him/her because many supervisors expect certain courses to be done before you can start with a research project in their group. Registered students should make an appointment with our study advisors for individual counselling if they need help with the study plan.

If you have just attended a few courses before you want to change, you can easily change the specialization. Just take courses of the other specialization. But please adapt your study plan and discuss it with the study advisor. The new study plan must also be signed by the representative of the new specialization. If you have already finished most courses in a specialization we do not recommend to change it. Usually it is not possible to credit courses of a specific specialization to another specialization. Thus, you will have to start again to collect many credit points, which will extend the length of your studies. But in any case please contact the study advisors. Usually, it is also possible to find a solution.

Yes, during the poster session for MSc students which takes place every semester on the first Monday in the period of lectures.

For MSc students, we offer every semester (first Monday in the period of lectures) a poster session where all research groups of the Institute of Computer Science as well as the representatives of the specializations present a poster with their courses and research. The participation is not mandatory but highly recommended. The event is announced at UniVZ as „Introductory course Applied Computer Science (M.Sc.)”. The poster session gives you the opportunity to inform yourself about specializations, research topics and get in contact with supervisors. But you don’t have to wait for the poster session to contact a prospective supervisor. If you are interested in doing a research project in a certain research group, you can also contact the respective person directly via email, visit his/her office hours or contact him/her after a lecture or a seminar. Please note that there are further research groups in the “applied” specializations where you can also do your thesis. As most supervisors require certain courses and/or seminars as previous knowledge to do a research project in their group it is highly recommended to contact the supervisor early enough. We recommend to choose a specialization and a supervisor at the beginning of the second semester of your MSc studies at the latest.

Please read the preceding question/answer for more information about how to find a research project and a supervisor. All information regarding registration and submission of a thesis can be found here below „Bachelor‘s and Master‘s Thesis“. Please contact our study advisors if you need more information.


For our study programmes specific regulations regarding admission, structure of the programme, modules belonging to the programme, examinations, duration of studies, etc. apply. For the MSc programme, all regulations - the “Allgemeine Prüfungsordnung” (APO), the “Prüfungs- und Studienordnung” and the “Modulverzeichnis zu der Prüfungs- und Studienordnung” - can be found here. If you have questions please contact our study advisors.

For all examinations, you have to register via FlexNow in due time. Here you will find further information about the exam administration FlexNow. If you have any questions or problems concerning FlexNow please contact the examination office.

This depends on the course. Please have a look at the description of the module or ask the responsible lecturer.
All information is given in the first lecture, at StudIP, at UniVZ, or on the webpage of the respective lecture. If (and only if) you do not find the required information, please contact the person responsible for the course in question.

International students/studying abroad

General information for regular international and exchange students at the University of Göttingen can be found here. More detailed information for international students who participate in a regular course of studies can be found here. Göttingen International offers various information about studies, living, expenses, etc. There is also a buddy exchange service for new international students.

If you want to study with ERASMUS+ or a partnership programme at the University of Göttingen you will find information here.

If you want to study abroad, e.g. with ERASMUS+, you will find more information here and here. First contact person at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science for international matters and study abroad is Dr. Hartje Kriete.

Language courses

Language courses and general key competencies are offered by “ZESS – Zentrale Einrichtung für Sprachen und Schlüsselqualifikationen” (English: Central Office for Languages and Key Qualifications).

German courses are offered by the lectorate “German as a foreign language” at the University of Göttingen:

The University of Göttingen offers a diverse range of certificate programmes and certificates for foreign languages, e.g. if you plan to study abroad. More information regarding certificate programmes of the University of Göttingen can be found here.

General information

In case of an emergency call: 110 (police).
In case of an accident call 112 (fire brigade/ambulance).
The hotline of the University for fault reporting (Störmeldezentrale) is: 0551-39-20000

More information regarding safety on the campus can be found here and here (pdf, in German): Please also have a look at fire alarm information sheets and inform you about rescue routes. These sheets are located next to the elevator on every floor.

After my studies

The section Business Contacts and Knowledge Transfer of the University of Göttingen is the central point of contact for all internal and external questions concerning the cooperation between science and business. The Start-up support team offers workshops, seminars and special activities for business founders and for those interested in self-employment.

  1. Contact
  2. Dead of Studies Computer Science

    Student Advisory Service
    Goldschmidtstr. 7
    37077 Göttingen