Qualifizierungsprogramm der GAUSS natural science graduate school und des neuen Promotionsprogramms der Fakultät für Chemie

    A total of 30 credit points have to be collected.

      1. Scientific competence (15 Cr)
           a) Research reflection and presentation skills (6-9 Cr)
               (this is covered by either module P.Che.1001, P.Che.1002 or P.Che.1003, see module directory)
           b) Scientific qualifications (6-9 Cr)

      2. Active teaching with appropriate coaching (9 Cr)
           (this is covered by module P.Che.1004, see module directory)

      3. Key qualifications (6 Cr)

    • Requirements checklist for the Chemistry Ph.D. program (English, German)

    • Requirements checklist for the Ph.D. program specific for the RTG (English)

    • PhD regulations (Promotionsordnung) of the Georg-August University School of Science (GAUSS) (German)

    • Module Directory for the doctoral program of Chemistry (German)

    • How to apply for the defense (English, German)

    "Scientific and Key Qualifications" im GRK

    An overview of the GAUSS and BENCh requirements can be found here.

    Scientific and key qualifications in the RTG is subdivided in mandatory and optional components:

    • Mandatory components

        Ring lecture "Tools and techniques for benchmarking" part A and B
        1 Cr total, sequence interchangeable

        To be announced in the respective semesters.
        Cross-border course(s)
        Minimum of 2 Cr, has to be methodically complementary (theoretical course for experimental theses and vice versa)

        Selected examples of cross-border courses:

        Cross-border courses (experimental (E)/Theory (T))
        Quantum chemistry T R. Mata
        Vibrational spectroscopy and intermolecular dynamics E M. Suhm
        Chemical dynamics at surfaces E A. Wodtke
        Modern mass spectrometry and gas phase chemistry E K. Koszinowski
        Mechanistic organometallic chemistry E S. Schneider
        Advanced coordination chemistry E I. Siewert

        These courses are available in the local curriculum.
        Hard skill courses - Good Scientific Practice (3) and Data Management (1b or 3)
        Minimum of 1 Cr

        Selected examples for hard skill courses
        Good Scientific Practice (mandatory) Suhm or other 0.5 Cr
        Uncertainty in measurement- a short guide Lüttschwager 0.5 Cr
        Introduction to Python Lüttschwager 0.5 Cr

        Annual workshop
        Spring break

        Organized as a 3-day retreat in March outside of Göttingen in odd years and as a local event in even years. All doctoral researchers are expected to attend and present their research on these events.
        Guest seminars
        Tuesday and Thursday institute seminars, 0.5 Cr for hosting

        Each graduate student is required to propose and host at least one guest scientist during the thesis work within the Tuesday and Thursday institute seminars. Four such presentations by guest scientists are planned in each semester.
        Research stay in an external group
        The research stay amounts to 1 Cr

        Each doctoral researcher is expected to perform a research stay in an external group to complement their qualification with further techniques, plus interact with a new environment. We recommend a duration of 1 month or more for these stays.

    • Optional components

        Soft skill courses
        Flexible (minimum defined by GAUSS)

        Soft skill courses are offered by the "Zentrale Einrichtung für Sprachen und Schlüsselqualificationen" (ZESS). A full list of courses is available on the ZESS homepage. Furthermore, there are soft skill courses offered by GAUSS and there will be special offers (at least one per year) organised by the participating principal investigators and their postdoctoral fellows. It is also possible to take part in external courses.

        Selected examples of soft skill courses:

        RTG-specific soft skill courses
        Philosophy of science D. Stalke 2 Cr
        Literature search M. Suhm 0.5 Cr
        How to write a scientific paper A. Wodtke 0.5 Cr
        GAUSS soft skill Courses- University funded
        Effective Presentations - Talks, Poster and Papers Dr. A. Schiller 2 Cr, 3d
        Grant Writing for Scientists Dr. C. Schütte 2 Cr, 2d
        Time Management in Doctoral Research S. Stevic 0.5 Cr, 1d
        External soft skill courses suggestions - RTG/University funded
        Industrial Property Rights Dr. T. Doerper (BASF) 0.5 Cr
        Career planning for PhD students, application standards - personal strategies Dr. S. Golin 0.5 Cr
        Professionell bewerben für Chemikerinnen N.N. (GDCh) 0.5 Cr
        Board membership
        Acting as student representative is awarded with 0.5 Cr

        2 RTG students will be elected for the management board by the student council (students participating in the RTG) each year.
        Workshop organization
        Workshop organization is awarded with 0.5 Cr

        Doctoral researchers (2-4) will be responsible for the management of the annual workshops.
        Lab rotation attendance
        1 week, 1 Cr

        All doctoral RTG members are encouraged to take part in a one week lab rotation offered by another doctoral researcher of the RTG. In order to receive 1 Cr, doctoral students have to turn in a final report. A template for the protocol can be found here.
        Lab rotation offer
        1 week, 2 Cr

        All doctoral researchers are expected to offer a one-week lab course on demand, in which they introduce other RTG researchers and guest PhD students to their techniques.
        Junior BENCh qualification - Research assistants
        No credits are given, but you get a boost to your research

        4 positions for master student assistants will be available each year (40 hours/month for 4 months). The candidates have to team up with a doctoral researcher to write a short proposal based on which the Master students will be selected for the position.