Projects of counterparts and stakeholders in Phase 1: 2012-2015
ABS - Research Projects at IPB University
ABS - Research Projects at IPB University | |||
Name | Counterpart | Title | File |
Herdhata Agusta | A02 | Soil water dynamics in oil palm and rubber plantations in relation to slope and vegetation cover | |
Murtilaksono Kukuh | A04 | Dissolved organic carbon in the Bukit Duabelas National Park and the relationship with the soil properties and its toposequences | |
Noor Farikhah Haneda | B01 | The role of ants in tropical lowland rainforest transformation ecosystems | |
Nisa Rachmania Mubarik | B02 | Biodiversity inventory, collection and preservation (in-situ and ex-situ): prokaryotes and leaf blight pathogenic fungi on oil palm | |
Ulfah Siregar | B03 | Genetic diversity and evolutionary relationship of Dyera costulata and Dyera lowii in Jambi, Indonesia based on AFLP markers | |
Triadiati Antono | B04 | Contribution of coarse roots and deadwood to soil carbon and total carbon stock in lowland rainforest transformation systems on Jambi, Sumatra | |
Nengah Surati Jaya | B05 | Spatial patterns of forest and land cover change in Jambi province (Sumatra, Indonesia) from 1990 to 2011 | |
Nengah Surati Jaya | B05 | Compiling the values of published wood specific gravity for the tree species / genus present in the CRC core plots and B05 inventory plots | |
Sri Wilarso Budi | B07 | Diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in Bukit Duabelas and Harapan Forest, Jambi Province | |
Rahayu Widyastuti | B08 | Seasonal changes of soil microarthropod populations in microhabitats of oil palm plantations of southern Sumatra | |
Damayanti Buchori | B09 | Ecological services of transformed ecosystems: the role of ants in different land-use systems in Jambi | |
Surya Darma Tarigan | B10 | Rainforest transformation systems and assessment of their impact on water ecosystem services in Merangin Tembesi Watershed in Jambi | |
Surya Darma Tarigan | B10 | Rainforest transformation systems and assessment of their impact on water ecosystem services in Merangin Tembesi Watershed in Jambi | |
Nunung Nuryartono | C04 | Consumption pattern of the poor households in Jambi Province | |
Damayanti Buchori, Rion Apriyadi, Rizky Nazarreta |
Z02 | Population structure of the invasive Yellow Crazy Ant Anoplolepis gracilipes across land-use systems in Jambi, Sumatra, Indonesia | |
Damayanti Buchori, Rosichon Ubaidillah (LIPI), Amanda Mawan, Rizky Nazarreta |
Z02 | Barcoding and photographic documentation of Ant (Formicidae) and Springtail (Collembola) collections from EFForTS core plots |
ABS - Research Projects at UNJA
ABS - Research Projects at UNJA | |||
Name | Counterpart | Title | File |
Asmadi Saad | A01 | Tropical modern pollen collection as a tool to interpret the quarternary fossil pollen records in Sumatra, Indonesia | |
Muhammad Damris | A04 | UV and FTIR characterization of dissolved organic carbon in soil extracts and leachates from tropical lowland rainforest transformation systems | |
Bambang Irawan | B03 | Flowering and fruiting ecology of ironwood (Eusideroxylon zwageri Teijsm. & Binn.) | |
Revis Asra | B06 | Diversity of Dragon's Blood Palm (Daemonorops spp.) in Bukit Duabelas National Park, Sumatra, Indonesia | |
Ir. Wilyus | B08 | Potential of entomopathogenic fungi in rainforest transformation systems in Jambi Province | |
Sunarti | B10 | The distribution of soil organic carbon and its relevance for soil water content in oil palm plantations | |
Ir. Rosyani | C02 | Suku Anak Dalam (SAD) communities, their institutional transformations and their impacts on environmental changes around the National Park Bukit Duabelas (TNBD) |
ABS - Research Projects at UNTAD & Universitas Brawijaya
ABS - Research Projects at UNTAD & Universitas Brawijaya | |||
Name | Counterpart | Title | File |
Aiyen Tjoa, Sri Rahayu Utami |
A05 | Field decomposition of pruned oil palm frond and its nutrient release pattern |
ABS - Research Projects at LIPI
ABS - Research Projects at LIPI | |||
Name | Counterpart | Title | File |
Sri Rahayu | B03 | Genetic diversity and DNA barcode-based identification of Hoya (Apocynaceae: Asclepiadoideae) in different transformation systems in Jambi | |
Sri Sudarmiyati Tjitrosoedirdjo | B06 | Distribution of invasive plant species and recommendation for management action in Jambi, Sumatra |
ABS - Research Projects at PT REKI
ABS - Research Projects at PT REKI | |||
Name | Counterpart | Title | File |
Luce | B04 | Nutrient input and decomposition in high and low quality lowland secondary tropical rain forests |
ABS - Research Projects at Ministry of Forestry
ABS - Research Projects at Ministry of Forestry | |||
Name | Counterpart | Title | File |
Lutfi Izhar | C02 | Forestry partnership as conflict resolution of PT. REKI Concession in Jambi Province |