Studienbegleitende Deutschkurse ENG

Winter semester 2024-2025

Course length: 28th October 2024 until 7th February 2025
winter break: 24th December 2024 - 6th January 2025

Program summer term 2024-2025 HERE (compact PDF)
Attention: Changes in the program are possible!
Teaching form: - face-to-face classes

- some courses online

German courses are for enrolled international students/PhD-students of Goettingen University

Employees & visiting scientists of the University of Goettingen & associated institutes e.g. MPIs, DPZ, DLRZ etc. can not participate in our courses due to a strongly reduced course program (we apologize). IIK Göttingen offers a corresponding service.
Participation requirements: 1.) Placement test (for new entrants)

Please use online-test ➔ HERE

Level assignments ➔ HERE

Enrolled students who have no knowledge of German at all do not need to take a placement test. Please register for an A1.1 course.

(without placement test, if one of them is available):

- Certificate of achievement for a German course from the previous semester (form from FlexNow). A certificate of attendance without a grade is not valid.

- recognized language certificates for German (Goethe-certificate, TestDaF, DSH, telc, etc.).

- all IIK course certificates (IIK Göttingen e.V.).

2.) Appearance in the first lesson.
Registration via StudIP

21 October 2024 (0 a.m.) - 25th October 2024 (9. a.m.)

In StudIP, you can find the courses by using general the search term "Deutschkurs%" or by adding a specific level (e.g. "Deutschkurs%A2.2")

Please select "WiSe 24-25" as semester.

If there are no more places available, please register for the waiting list. In this case we will try to offer you a spot, if possible, later on.

ECTS-points: - 2h-course (1x per week): 3 CPs

(competence courses e.g. grammar, speaking, vocabulary etc.)

- 4h-course (2x per week): 6 CPs (textbook-based courses)

1h = 1 SWS = 45 minutes

Modules that have already been passed cannot be recognised a second time. It is also not possible to improve grades.

Requirement for ECTS-points: - sufficient attendance

- passing of the exam

German courses during the lecture-free period? are offered by the IIK Göttingen.