Language Requirements (for BA students)


1. Practical English Language Skills

Who has to prove their English language skills?

All freshers, no matter which BA degree they intend to take (teaching profession for secondary schools, teaching profession for vocational schools, future non-teaching students of English Studies and North American Studies) must prove their English language skills.

What is the deadline for the proof?

Having good English language skills is a prerequisite for studying. It is therefore best to show an adequate level of English before starting the degree programme, viz. with the application, or when matriculating. Students can prove their English language skills later, though, if they cannot do so before October; the latest that they have to show proof of English language skills is July 15 of the year following their matriculation in English (that is the deadline for reregistering for the following winter semester). If they fail to do so then, English or North American Studies cannot be continued in their third semester of studies. They can, however, be re-enrolled at a later date.

How do you prove your English language skills?

Show the certificate or A-levels report to Frau Radtke in the Main Office of the Department of English. She will check it and in turn issue a certificate of adequate English language skills. This certificate has to be handed in

  • to the Office of Student Affairs (BA teaching and non-teaching profiles; EU nationals);
  • to the International Students' Office (non-EU nationals);
  • to the Exams Office at the Faculty of Economics (BA Business and Human Resource Education).

What kinds of reports or certificates are accepted?

  • A-levels report sheet: on average 11 points (not rounded!) based on the 4 semesters of school
  • study abroad period: min 2 semesters, in a country where English is the official language
  • TOEFL iBT ("next generation"): 87 points (543 points)
  • TOEFL ITP (Institutional Testing Program): 87 points (543 points)
  • Cambridge Exam of Advanced English: grade 'C'
  • Cambridge Exam of Proficiency: 'pass'
  • IELTS: level 5.5
  • TOEIC: 785 points, all 4 competence areas
  • UNICert: level II

(source: Zugangs- und Zulassungsordnung, German only)

Any certificate or report may not be older than two years.

Do I have to show the certificate in person?

No. SImply scan and send your certificate by email.

How about students who have already studied elsewhere and now wish to transfer to Göttingen?

Anyone wishing to transfer to Göttingen to a semester higher than the second must prove their English language skills when matriculating. They are advised to get in contact with Dr. Reitemeier.

2. Adequate Knowledge of Other Languages

Who is required to prove further language skills?

Students wishing to become teachers at a secondary school have to prove language skills in another language than English (see Verordnung über Master-Abschlüsse für Lehrämter in Niedersachsen - Nds. MasterVO-Lehr - Anlage 4 Sprachanforderungen, German only). Students wishing to become teachers at vocational schools are not required to prove this.

What is the deadline for proving these skills?

Students have to prove their language skills at the latest when registering for the final exam in the Master of Education programme.

How do you prove your language skills?

Show your certificate or report card to Dr. Reitemeier. She will issue a certificate which students then hand in to the Examinations Office of the Faculty of Social Sciences.

What kinds of certificates are accepted?

  • A-level certificate showing B2 level of language skills
  • ZESS courses at level B2
  • proof of completion of modules B.Lat.12 and B.Lat.13
  • any other official certificate of language skills at level B2

Which languages are accepted?

The MasterVO regulations do not state any language as obligatory. We therefore accept any foreign language if a corresponding certificate is handed in.

Do the language skills have a kind of expiry date, as with English language skills?
