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Provision of AI Services for Research and Teaching with GWDG and KISSKI and Efficient Storage Systems

Title of the event Provision of AI Services for Research and Teaching with GWDG and KISSKI and Efficient Storage Systems
Series CIDAS Colloquium
Organizer Campus-Institut Data Science (CIDAS)
Speaker Prof. Dr. Julian Kunkel
Speaker institution University of Göttingen and the Deputy Head High-Performance Computing at GWDG,
Type of event Kolloquium
Category Forschung
Registration required Nein
Details In this talk, we will first explore the possibilities and services offered by
GWDG and KISSKI for research and teaching. This includes already available
generative AI services such as ChatAI, as well as services for managing large data
volumes for sensitive applications and future services and extensions. In the second
part of the talk, we will present our own research in the field of high-performance
storage and share our visions for the future of storage systems.
Date Start: 19.12.2024, 14:15 Uhr
Ende: 19.12.2024 , 15:15 Uhr
Location Anderer Ort / Other Location
Goldschmidtstraße 1, Raum 1.130
Contact Dr. Isabelle Matthias