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Economics (BA) (two subjects)


Hardly any other degree programme offers you as many possibilities to individually design your studies as our two-subject Bachelor's programme in Economics. It allows you to study economics together with one of around 40 subjects offered at the University of Göttingen - from Egyptology to Economic and Social History. For example, combine political science with economics to advise parliamentarians on economic issues. Combine economics with East Asian studies to support companies in developing the Chinese market. Or combine economics with philosophy to advise governments on the ethical aspects of economic decisions. Our economics programme is designed in such a way that it qualifies you for the Master's programmes International Economics, Development Economics or Applied Statistics if you choose your profile accordingly. So nothing stands in the way of your career as an economist.

Bachelor of Arts (BA) (2 subjects)
Standard period of study:
6 semesters
Only the winter semester
Language of the programme:
restricted admission (application to the University)
Orientation events:
Orientation events are offered
A pre-course is offered

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If you're interested in various subjects and don't want to give up on any of them, no problem. Our degree programme in economics offers you the chance to try out and get a better understanding of two different degree programmes simultaneously. This gives you the flexibility to decide which discipline you want to delve deeper into during your studies. If you opt for a subject-specific specialisation in Economics, you can take enough economics modules to qualify for advanced economics master's programmes. In this case, you should deliberately choose modules in the professionalisation area that are required for entry into the master's programme and also write your bachelor's thesis on an economics-related topic.

A two-subject degree promotes your mental flexibility and creativity. It allows you to expand your intellectual boundaries and develop new ways of thinking. You learn to combine different subject areas and link their methods and approaches. This strengthens your analytical skills and helps you to look at complex problems from different perspectives. You also sharpen your communication and teamwork skills by working with different people from different disciplines.

During the first week of the summer and winter semesters, you will be supervised by older students, the WiWi-O-Phase tutors. In addition to the first lectures, you will get to know important learning management and examination administration systems as well as examination and study regulations of the degree programmes. You will learn how to do your semester schedule and you can even talk to the professors of the faculty at the professors' breakfast. You will get to know each other at city rallies and pub evenings. Even before lectures begin, you can (voluntarily) take part in the maths pre-course (MVK), in which selected content from school mathematics is repeated and preparation is made for the mathematics module in the 1st semester. The student council of the Faculty of Business and Economics organizes the "social events programme" during the maths pre-course with pub nights as well as campus and city tours.

As a 2-subject bachelor student, you always start in the winter semester. Especially for all 2-subject bachelor students, the departmental student advisory service offers a so-called "crossover day" for first-year students before the start of lectures. There you will receive information about the programme structure (when to take which modules) and can get to know fellow students who are studying the same subject combination as you. You will be personally invited to the crossover day by e-mail.

Studies in economics as part of the two-subject bachelor can be individually combined with one of more than 40 major subjects, except for those forming part of a teacher education programme. Recommended supplementary subjects particularly include the fields of social sciences, linguistics and cultural studies, for example: Sociology, Political Science, Law, East Asian Studies or Economic and Social History.

Students who wish to study economics in a two-subject bachelor programme should have good knowledge in mathematics and English. International students should also have good knowledge in German. The faculty offers a preliminary maths course for first-year students every semester before lectures begin. In this course, the content of (German) school mathematics is repeated and the students are prepared for the lecture "Mathematics" in the first semester. Participation in the module "Mathematics" is voluntary for 2-subject bachelor students, but highly recommended.

There are professions that require interdisciplinary knowledge not provided by any of the usual degree programmes. Perhaps, for example, you wish to work in policy consulting and therefore want to combine Economics with Political Science. Or you aim to work as a quantitative analyst for banks and insurance companies but find that a traditional Economics degree lacks sufficient computer science and statistics components. Our two-subject bachelor's programme allows you to precisely assemble the course of study you need for your career aspirations. Potential career opportunities are for example:

  • Specialist for international trade problems in industrial enterprises, banks, insurance companies or consulting firms
  • Specialist with knowledge and experience in the empirical economic research for associations or big enterprises
  • Specialist for micro- and macroeconomic problems of the financial sector in banks, insurance companies, industrial enterprises or associations.

Get to know the different professional fields of our graduates in the alumni portraits .

Beyond that, our graduates have the possibility to continue with consecutive Master's programmes in International Economics (German/English skills required), in Development Economics (English-language programme) and in Applied Statistics (German/English skills required).

Related and consecutive/graduate programmes


The course is finished when a total of 180 credits have been earned. These credits have to be acquired in the following fields:

  • Economics (66 credits)
  • Second subject (66 credits)
  • Professional skills/ studies = 18 credits in key competencies + 18 optional credits
  • Bachelor's thesis (12 credits)

There are only four compulsory modules in the subject of economics: Microeconomics I and II (budget theory, business theory and market theory including various market forms, analysis of strategic behaviour), Macroeconomics I and II (macroeconomic interdependencies, foreign economic impacts on macroeconomic targets). These compulsory modules form the subject-related and methodological basis for a specialization within the Bachelor's programme in Economics.

Depending on the student's area of interest, the second major subject and the desired profiles built can thereby be aligned into an individualized curriculum. Two profiles can be selected for an economics major: For the specialised profile, further modules can be selected from the field of economics. Students who select this profile can follow-up with a Master's degree programme in Economics.

In terms of their job-related profile, students can acquire skills and knowledge that prepare them for entry into a career directly after earning their bachelor degree. This profile offers fundamental modules from the field of business administration and business information systems, such as accounting, bookkeeping and information systems. More detailed information about the structure of the bachelor's programme you will find on the according websites of the Faculty of Business and Economics.

Module directory


Winter semester only
1st subject semester:
restricted admission (application to the University)
2nd to 6th subject semester:
open admission (enrolment without previous application)

Citizen from an EU country (including Germany and EEA) or holding a German university entrance qualification

Non-German citizens without a German educational qualification

Citizen from a non-EU country (or stateless person)


Study Economics in Göttingen

Business Administration, Economics, Business and Human Resource Education, Business Information Systems und Economics in combination with a second subject - the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Göttingen offers a wide range of courses with five bachelor's and twelve master's programmes. In the film (in German), students from the faculty report on their everyday studies and tell why it is worth studying in Göttingen.

Websites of the Faculty of Business and Economics for international students

Learn more about our offers for international exchange and degree seeking students.


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Service Centre for Students

Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3
Room: 1.135, Oeconomicum, 1. Obergeschoss
37073 Göttingen

Phone: +49-551 39 28800

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