Certificate Programme 'Rhetoric'
Should you have any questions with regards to the certificate, do contact the supervising head-in-charge, Ms. Jöster, or co-supervisor, Mr. Moritz.
The Highlight of the Certificate Assessment - Participation at the Rhetoric Slam
Following in the footsteps of 'Science Slam' and 'Poetry Slam', we are proud to present a new event highlight: The Rhetoric Slam. Our Rhetoric Slam is unique in that its motto reads 'Students At The Ivory Tower' - students and academics meet at eye-level and discuss socially-relevant topics at the podium. This idea was conceived by student Johann-Friedrich Fleisch who submitted it as an entry at the university's Ideas Competition 2011 ('Learn Innovatively, Research Inquisitively - Ideas for a Better Teaching and Learning Culture') and won second place. Since then, his concept has been brought to fruition, with the rhetoric slam being held once every semester.
At the point of participation in the rhetoric slam, all students would have gone through extensive rhetoric training: they would have completed varied courses in rhetorical skills at ZESS and would thus be in the position to take up the challenge of engaging in discussions with academics in front of a live audience. In so doing, they fulfill the requirements necessary to attain the Rhetoric Certificate from ZESS. Further information, as well as information regarding the modules necessary to complete the certificate, can be found in the updated examination regulations at ZESS.
Current information (dates) can be found here: Facebook/Rhetorikslam

At the point of participation in the rhetoric slam, all students would have gone through extensive rhetoric training: they would have completed varied courses in rhetorical skills at ZESS and would thus be in the position to take up the challenge of engaging in discussions with academics in front of a live audience. In so doing, they fulfill the requirements necessary to attain the Rhetoric Certificate from ZESS. Further information, as well as information regarding the modules necessary to complete the certificate, can be found in the updated examination regulations at ZESS.
Current information (dates) can be found here: Facebook/Rhetorikslam