XXX. CEDR-Kongress in Poznan, Polen, 18.-21. September 2019
A delegation consisting of Prof. Dr. Martínez, RA Christiane Graß (lecturship at the institute), Anna-Lena Poppe (researcher and doctoral candidate at the institute), Lorenz Dilling (student assistant at the institute) and Irina Valeska Schell (administrative management of the institute) took part in the 30th congress of the CEDR (European Congress and Colloquium of Agricultural Law) in Poznan, Poland, at Adam Mickiewicz University. This year's European Congress on Agricultural Law tackled food sovereignty, food security and the contribution that agricultural law can make to it (Commission I). In addition, cultural land protection (Commission II) and current developments in agricultural law (Commission III) were discussed. Prof. Dr. Martínez was representing Germany in Commission I and gave a lecture on the legal framework for food sovereignty and food security in Germany. RA Christiane Graß represented Germany in Commission II and devoted himself primarily to the German real estate law. Questions about the CAP reform 2020 were discussed at a colloquium held by Prof. Dr. med. Mögele, Dr. Busse and Prof. em. Dr. Richli. Klick here for further Information