Teaching Mobility Outgoing - Erasmus+ (KA131)



    • professors and lecturers with a contractual relationship with the university
    • research assistants (graduate degree, doctoral students)

    Subordinate (exceptions):

    The following may be eligible for funding, if sufficient funds are available and written endorsement is received from the respective institution:

    • lecturers without endowment
    • lecturers with contracts for work and labour
    • staff from enterprises (to be invited)

The application is made online via the mobility portal.

    Applications can be submitted on a rolling basis for the respective semester until

    Winter semester: 15 December , the complete documents must be submitted online no later than 5 weeks before the start of the mobility.

    Summer semester: 15 June , the complete documents must be submitted online no later than 5 weeks before the start of the mobility.

Duration of stay & Funding

    A teaching mobility lasts at least 2 days (excluding travel) and can be funded for up to 4 weeks. Due to the limited availability of funds , priority is given to mobilities of 2 - 10 teaching days (excluding weekends).The programme also allows mobilities of up to 2 months. Such funding availability is exceptional and requires very early contact for clarification.

    Teaching commitment: at least eight hours per stay or per week or part thereof.

    Subsistence costs according to country category:

    Until day 14:

    • Group 1: €180 per day
      Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden
    • Group 2: €160 per day
      Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain
    • Group 3: €140 per day
      Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, North Macedonia, Turkey

    From the 15th day, the rate is equal to 70% of the basic amount.

    Depening on available funding, 1 to 2 additional travel days can be financed. The prerequisite is that these are directly adjacent to the training/workshop/job shadowing (e.g. arrival on Sunday, start of program on Monday). If the mobility takes place with a low-emission means of transport (no airplane!), an additional top-up for Green Travel can be granted (not applicable from project 2024).

    Travel costs:

      according to distance calculator
    • 10-99km: 23€
    • 100-499km: 180€ (Green Travel: 210€)
    • 500-1999km: 275€ (Green Travel: 320€)
    • 2000-2999km: 360€ (Green Travel: 410€)
    • 3000-3999km: 530€ (Green Travel: 610€)
    • 4000-7999km: 820€
    • 8000 und mehr: 1500€

    Printing and insurance costs are not covered. The grant recipients are obliged to ensure that they have sufficient insurance cover (health, liability and accident insurance).

Check lists & Documents


Erasmus+ Key Action 131 Team
Von-Siebold-Straße 2
37075 Göttingen

E-Mail: erasmus@uni-goettingen.de
Phone: + 49 (0)551 39 21306
             + 49 (0)551 39 21330
EN-Funded by the EU-LOGO