Consultation hours
Tuesday 2 – 4 p.m. (please register beforehand by e-mail)

Running projects

  • Resilient Rangelands
  • Towards a better understanding of pyrodiversity-biodiversity relationships (PyroDiv)
  • Biodiversity change amidst disappearing human traditions and changing socio-economics
  • Citizen Science for Biodiversity (BBioDiv)
  • Integrating citizen science and high-resolution land-use data to reveal drivers of farmland bird declines
  • Forest disturbance and biodiversity

  • Completed projects
  • The effectiveness of EU Special Protection Areas (SPAs) to protect birds of conservation concern
  • Harnessing hidden data treasures for bird population trend estimates in the Asian flyways

  • Curriculum Vitae

    Since 08/2020 Professor (W2)
    Department of Conservation Biology, University of Göttingen

    2019 Habilitation and venia legendi
    Faculty of Geosciences, University of Münster, Germany

    2019–2020 Coordinator Research and Monitoring
    Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA), Münster

    2012–2020 Post-Doc
    Institute of Landscape Ecology, University of Münster

    2012 PhD in Landscape Ecology (Dr. rer. nat.)
    University of Münster and RSPB

    2008–2012 Senior Research Assistant
    Centre of Conservation Science, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), Sandy/Cambridge, UK

    2004–2007 Contract Research Assistant
    Centre of Conservation Science, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) und BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK

    2007 Diploma in Landscape Ecology
    University of Oldenburg, Germany


    Google Scholar


    Bhagwat T., Kuemmerle T., Soofi M., Donald P.F., Hölzel N., Salemgareev A., Stirnemann I., Urazaliyev R., Baumann M., Kamp J. 2024. A novel, post-Soviet fire disturbance regime drives bird diversity and abundance on the Eurasian steppe. Global Change Biology, 30:e17026.

    Bonnier R., Plieninger T., Bhagwat T., Kamp J. 2024. Viticulture abandonment benefits the bird community of the French Mediterranean. Basic and Applied Ecology 79: 46–56.

    Frank C., Hertzog L., Klimek S., Schwieder M., Tetteh G. O., Böhner H. G. S., Röder N., Levers C., Katzenberger J., Kreft H., Kamp J. 2024. Woody semi-natural habitats modulate the effects of field size and functional crop diversity on farmland birds. Journal of Applied Ecology 61: 987–999.

    Grünwald J., Auniņš A., Brambilla M., Escandell V., Eskildsen D.P., Chodkiewicz T., Fontaine B., Jiguet F., Kålås J.A., Kamp J., Klvaňová A., Kuczyński L., Lehikoinen A., Lindström Å., Nellis R., Øien I.J., Šilarová E., Strebel N., Vikstrøm T., Voříšek P., Reif J. 2024. Ecological traits predict population trends of urban birds in Europe. Ecological Indicators 160: 111926.

    Kamp J., Bhagwat T., Hölzel, N., Smelyansky, I. 2024. Collapse and recovery of livestock systems shape fire regimes on the Eurasian steppe: a review of ecosystem and biodiversity implications. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B (in press). (preprint [pdf])

    Pflüger, F.J., Frank, C., Busch, M., Wahl, J., Dröschmeister, R., Sudfeldt, C., Kamp, J. 2024. Semi-structured citizen science data reveal mixed effectiveness of EU Special Protection Areas (SPA) in Germany. Biological Conservation 299: 110801.

    Singer D., Hagge J., Kamp J., Hondong H., Schuldt A. 2024. Aggregated time-series features boost species-specific differentiation of true and false positives in passive acoustic monitoring of bird assemblages. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 10: 517–530.

    Singer D., Kamp J., Hondong H., Schuldt A., Hagge J. 2024. Diel and seasonal activity patterns revealed by passive acoustic monitoring suggest expert recommendations for breeding bird surveys need adjustment (submitted paper). Preprint

    Soofi M., Ghasemi B., Ahmadpour M., Soufi M., Islami I., Eckert A., Gorjian Arabi M.H., Qashqaei A.T., Selyari J., Nasirahmadi K., Kamp J., Waltert M., Addison J., Pavey C.R. 2024. Application of the integrated threat theory to conservation law enforcement. Conservation Biology: e14248.

    Trepel J., le Roux E., Abraham A., Buitenwerf R., Kamp J., Kristensen J.A., Tietje M., Lundgren E.J., Svenning J-C. 2024. Meta-analysis shows that wild large herbivores shape ecosystem properties and promote spatial heterogeneity. Nature Ecology and Evolution 8:705–716.

    Trepel J., Abraham A.J., Lundgren E.J., Ferraro K., Fløjgaard C., Haugaard L., Sunde P., Tietje M., Kamp J., le Roux E. 2024. Zoogeochemistry of a protected area: Driven by anthropogenic impacts and animal behavior. Conservation Science and Practice 6: e13107.

    Zarges, S., Wohlert, J., Kamp, J., Thorn, S., Müller, J., Hagge, J. 2024. Debarking harvesters simultaneously combat the European spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus) and conserve non-target beetle diversity. Ecological Solutions and Evidence 5: e12353.


    Daskalova, G. N., Kamp, J. 2023. Abandoning land transforms biodiversity. Science 380: 581–583. [Science podcast]

    Douglas D.J.T., Waldinger J., Buckmire, Z., Gibb, K., Medina, J.P., Sutcliffe, L., Beckmann, C., Collar, N.J., Jansen, R., Kamp, J., Little, I., Sheldon, R., Yanosky, A., Koper, N. 2023. A global review identifies agriculture as the main threat to declining grassland birds. Ibis 165: 1107-1128,

    Graser A., Kelling M., Pabst R., Schulz M., Hölzel N., Kamp J. 2023. Habitat quality, not patch isolation, drives distribution and abundance of two light-demanding butterflies in fragmented coppice landscapes. Journal of Insect Conservation 11:1078649.

    Hertzog, L., Klimek, S., Röder, N., Frank, C., Böhner, H., Kamp, J. 2023. Associations between farmland birds and fallow area at large scales: consistently positive over three periods of the EU Common Agricultural Policy but moderated by landscape complexity. Journal of Applied Ecology 60: 1077-1088.

    Koshkina A., Freitag F., Grigoreyeva I., Hölzel N., Stirnemann I., Velbert F., Kamp J. 2023. Post‐Soviet fire and grazing regimes govern the abundance of a key ecosystem engineer on the Eurasian steppe, the yellow ground squirrel Spermophilus fulvus. Diversity and Distributions 29: 395-408.

    Wesemeyer M., Kamp J., Schmitz T., Müller D., Lakes T. 2023. Multi-objective spatial optimization to balance trade-offs between farmland bird diversity and potential agricultural net returns. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 345: 108316.


    Heim R., Heim W., Bültmann H., Kamp J., Rieker D., Yurtaev A., Hölzel N. 2022. Fire disturbance promotes biodiversity of plants, lichens and birds in the Siberian subarctic tundra. Global Change Biology 28: 1048–1062 .

    Heim W., Thomas A., Berner I., Korschefsky T., Hölzel N., Kamp J. 2022. Anthropogenic fire patterns affect niche breadth and overlap in sympatric songbird species. Science of the Total Environment 833: 155160.

    Hertzog L.R., Röder N., Frank C., Böhner H.S., Kamp J. 2022. Village modernization and farmland birds: A reply to Rosin et al. (2021). Conservation Letters 15: e12874.

    Kamp J. 2022. Coppice loss and persistence in Germany. Trees, Forests and People 8: 100227.

    Noack F., Larsen A., Kamp J., Levers C. 2022. A bird’s eye view of farm size and biodiversity: the ecological legacy of the Iron Curtain. American Journal of Agricultural Economics (early view),

    O'Reilly E., Gregory R.D., Aunins A., Brotons L., Chodkiewic T., Escandell V., Foppen R.P.B., Gamero A., Herrando S., Jiguet F., Kålås J.A., Kamp J., Klvaňová A., Lehikoinen A., Lindström Å., Massimino D., Øien I.J., Reif J., Šilarová E., Teufelbauer N., Trautmann S., van Turnhout C., Vikstrøm T., Voříšek P., Butler S.J. 2022. An assessment of relative habitat use as a metric for species’ habitat association and degree of specialization. Ecological Indicators 135: 108521.


    Bowler D., Richter R., Eskildsen D., Kamp J., Moshøj C. M., Reif J., Strebel N., Trautmann S. & Voříšek, P. 2021. Geographic variation in the population trends of common breeding birds across central Europe. Basic and Applied Ecology (online early),

    Brlík V., Šilarová E., Škorpilová J., Alonso H., Anton M., Aunins A., Benkö Z., Biver G., Busch M., Chodkiewicz T., Chylarecki P., Coombes D., de Carli E., del Moral J.C., Derouaux A., Escandell V., Eskildsen D.P., Fontaine B., Foppen R.P.B, Gamero A., Gregory R.D., Harris S., Herrando S., Hristov I., Husby M., Ieronymidou C., Jiguet F., Kålås J.A., Kamp J., Kmecl P., Kurlavičius P., Lehikoinen A., Lewis L., Lindström Å., Manolopoulos A., Martí D., Massimino D., Moshøj D., Nellis R., Noble D., Paquet A., Paquet J.-Y., Portolou D., Ramírez I., Redel C., Reif J., Ridzoň J., Schmid H., Seaman B., Silva L., Soldaat L., Spasov S., Staneva A., Szép T., Tellini Florenzano G., Teufelbauer N., Trautmann S., van der Meij T., van Strien A., van Turnhout C., Vermeersch G., Vermouzek Z., Vikstrøm T., Voříšek P, Weiserbs A., Klvaňová A. 2021. Long-term and large-scale multispecies dataset tracking population changes of common European breeding birds. Scientific Data 8: 21.

    Donald P.F., Kamp J., Green R.E., Urazaliyev R., Koshkin M., Sheldon R. 2021. Migration strategy, site fidelity and population size of the globally threatened Sociable Lapwing Vanellus gregarius. Journal of Ornithology 162: 349-362. [Blog]

    Freitag M., Kamp J., Dara A., Kuemmerle T., Sidorova T.V., Stirnemann I.A., Velbert F., Hölzel N. 2021. Post-Soviet shifts in fire and grazing regimes changed the functional plant community composition on the Eurasian steppe. Global Change Biology 27:388–401 Media Coverage: [BBC]

    Heim, R., Bucharova, A., Brodt, L., Kamp, J., Rieker, D., Soromotin, A.V., Yurtaev, A., Hölzel, N. 2021. Post-fire vegetation succession in the Siberian subarctic tundra over 45 years. Science of the Total Environment 760:143425

    Heim W., Chan S., Hölzel N., Ktitorov P., Mischenko A., Kamp, J. 2021. East Asian buntings: Ongoing illegal trade and encouraging conservation responses. Conservation Science and Practice 3: e405.

    Hertzog L.R., Frank C., Klimek S., Röder N., Böhner H.G.S., Kamp J. 2021. Model‐based integration of citizen science data from disparate sources increases the precision of bird population trends. Diversity and Distributions 27: 1106-1119.

    Kamp J., Frank C., Trautmann S., Busch M., Dröschmeister R., Flade, M., Gerlach B., Karthäuser J., Kunz, F., Mitschke, A., Schwarz, J., Sudfeldt C. 2021. Population trends of common breeding birds in Germany 1990-2018. Journal of Ornithology 162: 1–15

    Morrison C.A., Auniņš A., Benkő Z., Brotons L., Chodkiewicz T., Chylarecki P., Escandell V., Eskildsen D.P., Gamero A., Herrando S., Jiguet F., Kålås J. A., Kamp J., Klvaňová A., Kmecl P., Lehikoinen A., Lindström, Å., Moshøj C., Noble D. G., Øien I. J., Paquet J-Y., Reif J., Sattler T., Seaman B.S., Teufelbauer N., Trautmann S., van Turnhout C.A.M., Vořišek P., Butler S.J. 2021. Bird population declines and species turnover are changing the acoustic properties of spring soundscapes. Nature Communications 12: 6217.

    Prishchepov A.V., Myachina Ks. V., Kamp J., Smelansky I., Dubrovskaya S., Ryakhov R., Grudinin D., Yakovlev I., Urazaliev R. 2021. Multiple trajectories of grassland fragmentation, degradation and recovery in Russia's steppes. Land Degradation and Development 32: 3220-3235.

    Sheludkov A., Kamp J., Müller D. 2021. Decreasing labor intensity in agriculture and the accessibility of major cities shape the rural population decline in postsocialist Russia. Eurasian Geography and Economics 62: 481-506.


    Baumann M., Kamp J., Pötzschner F., Bleyhl B., Dara A., Hankerson B., Prishchepov A., Schierhorn F., Müller D., Hölzel N., Urazaliyev R., Kuemmerle T. 2020. Declining human pressure and opportunities for rewilding in the steppes of Eurasia. Diversity and Distributions 26: 1058–1070.

    Dara A., Baumann M., Hölzel N., Hostert P., Kamp J., Müller D., Ullrich B., Kuemmerle T. 2020. Post-Soviet land-use change affected fire regimes on the Eurasian steppes. Ecosystems 23:943–956.

    Dara A., Baumann M., Freitag M., Hölzel N., Hostert P., Kamp J. , Müller D., Prishchepov A.V., Kuemmerle T. 2020. Annual Landsat time series reveal post-Soviet changes in grazing pressure. Remote Sensing of Environment 239: 111667.

    Eichenberg, D., Bernhardt-Römermann, M., Bowler, D., Bruelheide, H., Conze, K.-J., Dauber, J., Dengler, J., Engels, D., Fartmann, T., Frank, D., Geske, C., Grescho, V., Harter, D., Henle, K., Hofmann, S., Jandt, U., Jansen, F., Kamp, J., Kautzner, A., König-Ries, B., Krämer, R., Krüß, A., Kühl, H., Ludwig, M., Lueg, H., May, R., Musche, M., Opitz, A., Ronnenberg, K., Schacherer, A., Schäffler, L., Schiffers, K., Schulte, U., Schwarz, J., Sperle, T., Stab, S., Stöck, M., Theves, F., Trockur, B., Wesche, K., Wessel, M., Winter, M., Wirth, C., Bonn, A. 2020. Langfristige Biodiversitätsveränderungen in Deutschland erkennen - mit Hilfe der Vergangenheit in die Zukunft schauen. Natur und Landschaft 95: 479-491.

    Heim W., Heim R.J., Beermann I., Burkovskiy O.A., Gerasimov Y., Ktitorov P., Ozaki K., Panov I., Sander M.M., Sjöberg S., Smirenski S.M., Thomas A., Tottrup A., Tiunov I.M., Willemoes M., Hölzel N., Thorup K., Kamp J. 2020. Using geolocator tracking data and ringing archives to validate citizen-science based seasonal predictions of songbird distribution in a data-poor region. Global Ecology and Conservation 24: e01215

    Kamp J., Freitag M., Hölzel N. 2020. Towards more meaningful scenarios of biodiversity responses to land-use change in Central Asia. Regional Environmental Change 20:79.

    Kamp J., Trappe J., Dübbers L., Funke S. 2020. Impacts of windstorm-induced forest loss and varying reforestation on bird communities. Forest Ecology and Management 478: 118504

    Koshkina A., Grigoryeva I., Tokarsky V., Urazaliyev R., Kuemmerle T., Hölzel N., Kamp J. 2020. Marmots from space: assessing population size and habitat use of a burrowing mammal using publicly available satellite images. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 6: 153–167. Open Access

    Munteanu C., Kamp J., Klein N., Kraemer B., Müller D., Koshkina A., Prishchepov A., Kuemmerle T. 2020. Cold War spy satellite images reveal long-term declines of a philopatric keystone species in response to cropland expansion. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287: 20192897. Media Coverage: [Science][BBC Radio][New Scientist]

    Novák T. J., Balla D., Kamp J. 2020. Changes in anthropogenic influence on soils across Europe 1990–2018. Applied Geography 124: 102294. j.apgeog.2020.102294

    Richter R, Heim A, Heim W, Kamp J, Vohland M. 2020. Combining multiband remote sensing and hierarchical distance sampling to establish drivers of bird abundance. Remote Sensing 12: 38 [] Open Access


    Heim RJ, Hölzel N, Heinken T, Kamp J, Thomas A, Darman GF, Smirenski SM, Heim W (2019) Post-burn and long-term fire effects on plants and birds in floodplain wetlands of the Russian Far East. Biodiversity and Conservation 28: 1611–1628 []

    Heim W, Trense D, Heim A, Kamp J, Smirenski SM, Wink M, Wulf T (2019) Discovery of a new breeding population of the Vulnerable Swinhoe’s Rail Coturnicops exquisitus confirmed by genetic analysis. Bird Conservation International 29: 454–462 []

    Buchanan GM, Bond A, Crockford NJ, Kamp J, Pearce-Higgings JW, Hilton G (2018) The potential breeding range of Slender-billed Curlew Numenius tenuirostris identified from stable-isotope analysis. Bird Conservation International 28: 228–237 []
    Media coverage: []

    Dara A, Baumann M, Kuemmerle T, Pflugmacher D, Rabe A, Griffiths P, Hölzel N, Kamp J, Freitag M, Hostert P (2018) Mapping the timing of cropland abandonment and recultivation in northern Kazakhstan using annual Landsat time series. Remote Sensing of Environment 213: 49–60 []

    Heim W, Pedersen L, Heim RJ, Kamp J, Smirenski SM, Thomas A, Tottrup A, Thorup K (2018) Full annual cycle tracking of a small songbird, the Siberian Rubythroat Calliope calliope, along the East Asian flyway. Journal of Ornithology 159: 893–899 []

    Kamp J, Reinhard A, Frenzel M, Kämpfer S, Trappe J, Hölzel N (2018) Farmland bird responses to land abandonment in Western Siberia. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 268: 61–69 []

    Nguyen H, Hölzel N, Völker A, Kamp J (2018) Patterns and Determinants of Post-Soviet Cropland Abandonment in the Western Siberian Grain Belt. Remote Sensing 10: 1973 []Open Access

    Griewald Y, Clemens G, Kamp J, Gladun E, Hölzel N, von Dressler H (2017) Developing land use scenarios for stakeholder participation in Russia. Land Use Policy 68: 264–276 []

    Palpurina S, Wagner V, von Wehrden H, Hájek M, Hórsak M, Brinkert A, Hölzel N, Wesche K, Kamp J, Hájková P, Danihelka J, Lustyk P, Merunková K, Preislerová Z, Kočí MKubešová, S, Cheresov M, Ermakov N, German D, Gogoleva P, Lashchynsky N, Martynenko V, Chytrý M (2017) The relationship between plant species richness and soil pH vanishes with increasing aridity across Eurasian dry grasslands. Global Ecology and Biogeography 26: 425–434 []

    Trappe J, Kunz F, Weking S, Kamp J (2017) Grassland butterfly communities of the Western Siberian forest steppe in the light of post-Soviet land abandonment. Journal of Insect Conservation 21: 813–826 []

    Wagner V, Chytrý M, Zelený D, von Wehrden H, Brinkert A, Danihelka J, Jansen F, Hölzel N, Kamp J, Lustyk P, Merunková K, Palpurina S, Preislerová Z, Wesche K (2017) Regional differences in soil pH niche among dry grassland plants in Eurasia. Oikos 126: 660–670 []

    Wertebach T-M, Hölzel N, Kämpf I, Yurtaev A, Tupitsin S, Kiehl K, Kamp J, Kleinebecker T (2017) Soil carbon sequestration due to post-Soviet cropland abandonment: estimates from a large-scale soil organic carbon field inventory. Global Change Biology 23: 3729–3741 []


    Brinkert A, Hölzel N, Sidorova TV, Kamp J (2016) Spontaneous steppe restoration on abandoned cropland in Kazakhstan: grazing affects successional pathways. Biodiversity and Conservation 25: 2543–2561 []

    Kamp J, Oppel S, Heldbjerg H, Nyegaard T, Donald PF (2016) Unstructured citizen science data fail to detect long‐term population declines of common birds in Denmark. Diversity and Distributions 22: 1024–1035 []

    Kamp J, Koshkin MA, Bragina, Katzner TE, Milner-Gulland EJ, Schreiber D, Sheldon R, Shmalenko A, Smelansky I, Terraube J, Urazaliev R (2016) Persistent and novel threats to the biodiversity of Kazakhstan’s steppes and semi-deserts. Biodiversity and Conservation 25: 2521–2541 []

    Lameris T, Fijen T, Urazaliev R, Pulikova G, Donald PF, Kamp J (2016) Breeding ecology of the endemic Black Lark Melanocorypha yeltoniensis on natural steppe and abandoned croplands in post-Soviet Kazakhstan. Biodiversity and Conservation 25: 2381–2400 [] Open Access

    Török P, Ambarli D, Kamp J, Wesche K, Dengler K (2016) Step(pe) up! Raising the profile of palaearctic steppe grasslands. Biodiversity and Conservation 25: 2187–2195 []

    Václavík T, Langerwisch F, Cotter M, Fick J, Häuser I, Hotes S, Kamp J, Settele J, Spangenberg J, Seppelt R (2016) Investigating potential transferability of place-based research in land system science. Environmental Research Letters 11: 095002 []

    Wesche K, Ambarli D, Török P, Kamp J, Treiber J, Dengler J (2016) The Palaearctic steppe biome: a new synthesis. Biodiversity and Conservation 25: 2197–2231 []


    Fijen TPM, Kamp J, Lameris TK, Urazaliev R, Pulikova G, Kleijn D, Donald PF (2015) Functions of extensive animal dung ‘pavements’ around the nests of the Black Lark Melanocorypha yeltoniensis. The Auk 132: 878–892 [] Media coverage: [BOU blog] [NRC Handelsblad (Dutch)] [Audubon-Magazin (Birdlife USA)]

    Kamp J, Urazaliev R, Balmford A, Donald PF, Green RE, Lamb A, Phalan B (2015) Agricultural development and the conservation of avian biodiversity on the Eurasian steppes: a comparison of land-sparing and land-sharing approaches. Journal of Applied Ecology 52: 1578–1587 []

    Kamp J, Oppel S, Ananin AA, Durnev YA, Gashev SN, Hölzel N, Mishchenko AL, Pessa J, Smirenski SM, Strelnikov EG, Timonen S, Wolanska K, Chan S, (2015) Global population collapse in a superabundant migratory bird and illegal trapping in China. Conservation Biology 29: 1684–1694 [] Media coverage: [Nature][The Guardian] [Süddeutsche Zeitung] [SWR Radio] [Der Falke]

    Kamp J, Pelster A, Gaedicke L, Karthäuser J, Dieker P, Mantel K (2015) High nest survival and productivity of Northern Lapwings Vanellus vanellus breeding on urban brownfield sites. Journal of Ornithology 156: 179–190 []

    Sutcliffe L, Batáry P, Kormann U, Baldi A, Dicks LV, Herzon I, Kleijn D, Tryjanowski P, Apostolova I, Arlettaz R, Aunins A, Aviron S, Balezentiene L, Fischer C, Halada L, Hartel T, Helm A, Hristov I, Jelaska SD, Kaligarič M, Kamp J, Klimek S, Koorberg P, Kostiukova J, Kovács-Hostyánszki A, Kuemmerle T, Leuschner C, Lindborg R, Loos J, Maccherini S, Marja R, Máthé O, Paulini I, Proença V, Rey-Benayas J, Sans FX, Seifert C, Stalenga J, Timaeus J, Török P, van Swaay C, Viik E, Tscharntke T (2015) Harnessing the biodiversity value of Central and Eastern European farmland. Diversity and Distributions 21: 722–730 []

    2014 and earlier

    Kamp J (2014) Land management: Weighing up the reuse of Soviet croplands. Nature 505: 483 []

    Sheldon RD, Kamp J, Koshkin MA, Urazaliev RS, Iskakov TK, Field RH, Salemgareev AR, Khrokov VV, Zhuly VA, Sklyarenko SL, Donald PF (2013) Breeding ecology of the globally threatened Sociable Lapwing Vanellus gregarius and the demographic drivers of recent declines. Journal of Ornithology 154: 501–516 []

    Kamp J, Siderova T, Salemgaarev A, Urazaliev R, Donald PF, Hölzel N (2012) Niche separation of larks (Alaudidae) and agricultural change on the drylands of the former Soviet Union. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 155: 41–49 []

    Kamp J, Urazaliev R, Donald PF, Hölzel, N (2011) Post-Soviet agricultural change predicts future declines after recent recovery in Eurasian steppe bird populations. Biological Conservation 144: 2607–2614 []

    Schielzeth H, Kamp J, Eichhorn G, Heinecke T, Koshkin MA, Lachmann L, Sheldon RD, Koshkin AV (2010) Wader, gull and tern population estimates for a key breeding and stopover site in Kazakhstan. Bird Conservation International 20: 186–199 []

    Kamp J, Koshkin MA, Sheldon RD (2010) Historical breeding of Sociable Lapwing Vanellus gregarius in Xinjiang. Chinese Birds 1: 70–73 []

    Kamp J, Sheldon RD, Koshkin MA, Donald PF, Biedermann R (2009) Post-Soviet steppe management causes pronounced synanthropy in the Sociable Lapwing Vanellus gregarius. Ibis 151: 452–463 []

    Kamp J, Koshkin MA, Sheldon RD (2009) Population size, breeding performance and habitat selection of the Black-winged Pratincole Glareola nordmanni. Bird Conservation International 19: 149–163 [][doi:10.1017/S0959270908008150]

    Schielzeth H, Eichhorn G, Heinicke T, Kamp J, Koshkin MA, Koshkin AV, Lachmann L (2008) Waterbird migration on the Central Asian flyway: Population size estimates from a key staging area in Central Kazakhstan. Bird Conservation International 18: 71–86