
Events in WiSe2024/2025

CRC 1073 - Seminars_WiSe2425

Events in SoSe2024

CRC 1073 - Seminars_SoSe24

Events in WiSe2023/2024

CRC 1073 - Seminars_WiSe 2023 24

Events in SoSe2023


Events in WiSe 2022/2023


Events in SoSe 2022

CRC 1073 - Seminars SoSe22 - current state (002)

Events in SS 2021

06.09. - 17.09.2021CRC Workshop

Peter Blöchl: Hands-On-Course

22.07.2021CRC Seminar

Felix Hensling: "Understanding and engineering defects in epitaxial transition metal oxides"

15.07.2021CRC Seminar

Solid State and SFB 1073 Seminar - Lecture by Farsane Tabataba-Vakili: “III-nitrides on silicon: a platform for integratedphotonics from the ultraviolet to the near-infrared”

24.06.2021CRC Seminar

Solid State and SFB 1073 Seminar - Lecture by Katharina Broch: (title will be announced later)

17.06.2021CRC Seminar

Solid State and SFB 1073 Seminar - Lecture by A. Kurzmann Title: “Quantum dots in bilayer graphene: Spin and valley degree of freedom”

10.06.2021CRC Workshop

Molecular and 2d System
Chairs: Thomas Weitz & Inke Siewert

27.05.2021: 13:00 via Zoom – Assembly of Delegates

15.04.2021 via Zoom – CRC Seminar

Thomas Weitz: Solid-State and CRC 1073 Seminar - Bottom-up fabrication of graphene nanoribbons: from ultra-high-vacuum to device integration