Below you find a collection of distinguished thesis projects by B.A. and M.A. students of the Göttingen Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology. These projects reflect the thematic and regional diversity as well as the breadth of the skillsets and methods conveyed by our study programs.

Lumbung als Dritter Raum - Eine Analyse des Ausstellungskonzepts der documenta fifteen (M.A.)
by Sophie Eckhardt

Sind NGOs Hüterinnen der Menschenrechte und/oder Reproduzentinnen neokolonialer Machtstrukturen? Eine Untersuchung der Arbeit von ROSA e.V.
by Charlotte Waßer

Propensity to Violence Among Youth Fulbe (M.A.)
by Nathalie Piskorz

Social organisation of maritime small-scale beach-seine fisheries in Cotonou, Benin (B.A.)
by Christoph Pfülb