Advising Services
The Study Abroad Advisors of the Global Exchange Programme are here to advise and support you in your search for an exchange programme at one of our global partner universities. We will help you find a suitable programme, understand the application process, identify potential funding opportunities, and with other organisational questions. If you have specific academic-related questions (e.g. receiving academic credit for your work abroad), please contact the programme officers in your faculty.
Take advantage of the opportunity – contact us via the online appointment request form (At the registration write ug-student\ in front of your student account, e.g. ug-student\maxi.musterfrau. If you have problems logging in, please contact the IT Support) to arrange a virtual appointment. We look forward to meeting with you!
- Academic recognition of university credits
- Equal opportunities for international mobility
- A-Z of planning a stay abroad
Would you like to upload documents for your planned Global Exchange stay to the University of Göttingen's Mobility Portal? Here you will find a quick guide to the required ‘Upload documents’ form.
Dr. Maren Büttner
South Africa, China, Latin America, Mongolia, South Korea, Taiwan
Netra Bhandari
India (from winter semester 2022/23)
Patricia Missler
Israel and Russia
Dr. Martin Jagonak
Japan, North America, Oceania
For general questions
For Individual Advisory
At the registration write ug-student\ in front of your student account, e.g. ug-student\maxi.muster. If you have problems logging in, please contact the IT Support.