In the case of a multiple choice question with single correct answer only one of several possible answer options is correct. In the ILIAS examination system this type of question is shown as follows:
In the case of a multiple choice question with multiple correct answers several or even all given answer options may be correct. In the ILIAS examination system this type of question is shown as follows:
Kprim Choice ist eine spezielle Art der Multiple Choice Frage mit genau vier Antwortoptionen, die von den Studierenden entsprechend vorher festgelegter Auswahlmöglichkeiten (genau zwei Optionen, z.B.: richtig/falsch oder zutreffend/nicht zutreffend) bewertet werden müssen. Im Prüfungssystem ILIAS wird dieser Fragetyp (z.B.) wie folgt dargestellt:
Cloze questions can have either input boxes for free-text or missing text suggestions. In the ILIAS examination system this type of question is shown as follows:
The numerical question is a special type of Cloze question. Examinees have to input a figure in an input box themselves. In the ILIAS examination system this type of question is shown as follows:
The text subset question is a special type of Cloze question. Examinees have to input a given number of terms which make up a subset of a larger group of correct answer possibilities. In the ILIAS examination system this type of question is shown as follows:
The imagemap question contains a picture with several clickable areas (“hotspots”), which the examinees should select correctly. In the ILIAS examination system this type of question is shown as follows:
If longer sections of free-text have to be input in an electronically-based examination, free-text questions may be used, which of course must be marked manually when reviewing the examination. In contrast to paper-based examinations the amount of the free-text can be controlled, by setting a maximum number of characters. In the ILIAS examination system this type of question is shown as follows:
In a “Spot the mistake” question all words in a text may be marked. The exercise is to identify the wrong terms in a text or to select terms that characterise a specific fact in a text best. Minus points may also be awarded if “right” words are marked as “wrong”. In the ILIAS examination system this type of question is shown as follows:
With a vertical sequencing question, the examinees are supposed to put a specific number of sequential terms or pictures in the correct order. The examinees input them in the form of a sequence of ordinary figures; if JavaScript support is activated the sequence can be created using Drag & Drop. In the ILIAS examination system the Drag-&-Drop variant appears as follows:
In the case of a horizontal sequencing question, the parts of a sentence have to be placed in the right order. This type of question can only be used with active JavaScript support. In the ILIAS examination system this sequencing question is shown as follows:
With a classification question the examinees must match up pairs from given text elements (“terms”) and other text units (“definitions”) or images, and superfluous and irrelevant elements may also be shown. With active JavaScript support classification can be carried out using Drag & Drop. In the ILIAS examination system the Drag-&-Drop variant appears as follows:
These types of question are optimised and developed – not least as a result of practical suggestions and requests of the tutors: e.g. there will soon be an option for all types of question to set up a restriction on the frequency of replay of video and audio files for summative examinations. Implementation of related “item sets” and flexibly-arranged input boxes for titling diagram elements is also planned.