Agriculture and Food Business Management
- Staff
- Research
- Publications and Replication packages
- Teaching
- Bachelor and Master Thesis Topics (The current password can be requested from Mrs. Reichmann)
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- 04.12.2024: New publication by Silke Hüttel, Axel Werwatz und Tim Hainbach: What moves farmland markets: decomposing the price surge in eastern Germany has been published in the European Review of Agricultural Economics.
- 16.12.2024: On Monday, 06.01.2025, 12:15–13:45, Dr. Andreas Hildenbrand (IHK Rhein-Neckar, Mosbach) will give a guest lecture on Strategische Ausrichtung in schrumpfenden Märkten am Bps. einer lokalen Brauerei in the lecture on „Strategisches Management in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft“. The presentation takes place in ZHG 105; participation is also possible via zoom. Deteils including zoom credentials are provided here. Please note that the presentation will be given in German.
- 04.12.2024: The research group is currently offering a PhD position and a Post-doc. Detailed information about the respective positions can be found via the provided documents. For further inquiries, please feel free to contact Prof. Silke Hüttel or Martina Reichmann. We look forward to receiving your application by January 2, 2025.
- 04.12.2024: New publication by Silke Hüttel and Marten Graubner: Exploring drought hazard, vulnerability, and related impacts on agriculture in Brandenburg has been published in Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences
- 31.11.2024: New publication co-authored by Silke Hüttel: Exploring drought hazard, vulnerability, and related impacts on agriculture in Brandenburg has been published in Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences.
- 10.10.2024: New publication co-authored by Silke Hüttel and Stefan Seifert: Use cases and scientific potential of land use data from the EU’s Integrated Administration and Control System: A systematic mapping review has been published in Ecological Indicators.
- 01.10.2024: New publication co-authored by Silke Hüttel and Stefan Seifert: Towards a comprehensive analysis of agricultural land systems in the EU and US: A critical view on publicly available datasets has been published in Land Use Policy.
- 27.09.2024: Three Best Paper Awards! At the 64th Annual Conference of the Society for Economic and Social Sciences in Agriculture (GEWISOLA), members of the chair were involved in all three Best Paper Awards: Lars Isenhardt, Stefan Seifert, Thelke Wiltfang, and Silke Hüttel won with "Parcel or Package? On the Effects of Transaction Composition on Farmland Prices". Marlene Kionka and Silke Hüttel, along with Julia Kiauka and Meike Weltin, were awarded for "Gender Aspects and Sustainable Land Management Practices: A Path Modelling Analysis for Germany". Vanessa Bonke was recognized for "Alternatives to Diesel in Agriculture? Farmers' Perceptions of Alternative Fuel Tractors in German Agriculture", co-authored with Marius Michels, Hendrik Wever, and Oliver Musshoff.
- 24.09.2024: At the 64th Annual Conference of the Society for Economic and Social Sciences of Agriculture (GEWISOLA), Lars Isenhardt (Parcel or Package? On the Effects of Transaction Composition on Farmland Prices), Stefan Seifert (Can preventive weed management help increase herbicide use efficiency? Plot-level evidence from maize fields in Germany), and Marlene Kionka (Gender aspects and sustainable land management practices: a path modelling analysis for Germany) will present their current work. You can find the detailed conference program here.
- 15.09.2024: New paper by Reinhard Uehleke, Louisa von Plettenberg, Michael Leyer, and Silke Hüttel: German sugar beet farmers’ intention to use autonomous field robots for seeding and weeding? has been published in the Journal of Environmental Management.
- 29.08.2024: New paper by Silke Hüttel and Sebastian Hess: Are lessons being learnt from the replication crisis or will the revolution devour its children? Open Q science from the editor’s perspective has been published in Q Open.
- 06.08.2024: New publication co-authored by Vanessa Bonke: Adoption of herbicide resistance tests in German arable farming: Insights from the theory of planned behavior” has been published in the Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics
- 21.07.2024: New publication by Stefan Seifert, Saskia Wolff and Silke Hüttel Eco-efficiency in the agricultural landscape of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany" online first in Agricultural Systems
- 23.05.2024: Dr. Maria Gerullis receives initial funding for preliminary work on a junior research group application through the Dorothea Schlözer Program.
- 02.05.2024: 02.05.2024: New publication coauthored by Silke Hüttel and Stefan Seifert: Was bestimmt die landwirtschaftlichen Bodenpreise in Deutschland? - Ergebnisse empirischer Analysen der Kaufpreissammlungen has been published as FORLand Policy Brief 06 (2024) Special Management Edition, summarizing in German research findings of the DFG Research Group FORLand on the valuation of agricultural land.
- 02.05.2024: New publication coauthored by Silke Hüttel and Stefan Seifert:: Towards a comprehensive analysis of agricultural land systems: What can we see with publicly available datasets in the EU and US?" has been published as FORLand Working Paper 30.
- 23.04.2024: New publication co-authored by Silke Hüttel: Exploring drought hazard, vulnerability, and related impacts to agriculture in Brandenburg has been published as a egusphere preprint.
- 12.04.2024: New publication! Looking at gender is not enough—How diversity of farmers’ marginalization relates to varietal trait preferences co-authored byb Maria Gerullis has been published in Food Policy
- 10.04.2024: Dr. Maria Gerullis gave a presentation at the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE) in Bonn on the Technopool Project regarding genetic pools of wheat, corn, and rapeseed over the past 70 years for the department of genetic resources in the Information and Coordination Center for Biological Diversity .
- 02.04.2024: New topic for Master's thesis supervised by Dr. Maria Gerullis on "Diversity and Concentration: Unraveling the Dynamics of Strategic Decision-Making in Seed Supply - An Agent-Based Modeling Approach". Details are available here.
- 02.04.2024: New publication by Silke Hüttel and Marten Graubner (Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenber) has been published as FORLand Working Paper: Rental and sale prices of agricultural lands under spatial competition
- 13.03.2024: New publication by Silke Hüttel and Oliver Mußhoff has been published in Wirtschaftsdienst in German with an English summar) Nachhaltige Entwicklung der Landwirtschaft: Förderung von Biodiversität und Klimaneutralität
- 28.02.2024: The Replication package for Isenhardt et al. (2023) "Tenant Favoritism and Right of First Refusals in Farmland Auctions: Competition and Price Effects" published in Land Economics is now available via
- 31.01.2024: Two papers have been accepted for the Conference of the Agricultural Economic Society (AES) in Edinburgh, UK (18th – 20th March 2024): Isenhardt et al. (Parcel or Bundle? On the Effects of Transaction Composition on Farmland Prices) and Seifert et al. (Can preventive weed management help increasing herbicide use efficiency? Plot-level evidence from maize fields in Germany)
- 23.01.2024: On January 30, 2024, we are delighted to welcome Andre Danelon from the University of Sao Paulo for a seminar on "Impacts of Deforestation on Brazilian Agricultural TFP: An Empirical Approach Using Stochastic Frontier Methods." The presentation will start at 11:30 AM in Seminar Room 1 in the Blue Tower (Room 9.136). All interested parties are warmly invited.
- 01.01.2024: We welcome Dr. Maria Gerullis, formerly of Cornell University and the University of Bonn, and Marlene Kionka, formerly of HU Berlin, as new postdoctoral researchers to our work group!
- 02.11.2023: A new publication on Potentials for technical water storage options, irrigation approaches and their feasibility co-authored by Silke Hüttel has been published as a Thünen Working Paper
- 02.11.2023: New publication: Counterfactual evaluation of two Austrian agri-environmental schemes in 2014–2018 by Reinhardt Uehleke, Heidi Leonhardt and Silke Hüttel has been published in Agricultural Economics
- 01.11.2023: We are hiring! If your are a post-doctoral researcher, an advanced PhD student or close to completition in Agricultural, Environmental or Behavioral Economics or a related field and interested in developing and implementing an experiment on farm’s climate change adaptation behaviour in the EU, check out our job ad . Do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions about the position!
- 25.10.2023: A new paper Use Cases of the Integrated Administration and Control System’s Plot-Level Data: Protocol and Pilot Analysis for a Systematic Mapping Review by Heidi Leonhardt, Silke Hüttel, Tobia Lakes, Maximilian Wesemeyer and Saskia Wolff has been published in the German Journal of Agricultural Economics
- 27.09.2023: New working paper by Silke Hüttel and Sebastian Hess titled Lessons from the p-value debate and the replication crisis for “open Q science” – the editor’s perspective or: will the revolution devour its children? has been published as a DARE Working Paper erschienen
- 08.09.2023: The chair contributes to the Annual GEWISOLA meeting 2023 with presentations by Lars Isenhardt, Gabriela Herrera Quinteros, Moritz Hartig and Stefan Seifert and co-organizes the pre-conference workshop on "Agricultural Land Markets between Financialization and Preservation" ( Tagungsprogramm ). The registration for the conference is still open!
- 13.07.2023: The chair contributes to this years Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists in Rennes with two presentations and two organized sessions: "Sustainable Land Use: the Roles of Ownership and Land Markets" organized by Silke Hüttel and Klaus Salhofer (BOKU Wien) and “Smart climate policy design: What is the contribution of Agicultural Economics?” organized by Silke Hüttel and Jan Börner (University of Bonn)
- 15.06.2023: We are currently hiring up to three student assistants to support the tutorials in the module Methodische Grundlagen für empirische Forschung im Agribusiness (B.Agr.0426) in the winter term. For details, please see the Job ad. If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact Dr. Stefan Seifert.
- 02.05.2023: Dr. Reinhard Uehleke offers a master thesis on the topic of utilization strategies for rewetted peatland sites. The supervision is done in cooperation with Dr. Claudia Heindorf
Announcement (The current password can be requested from Mrs. Reichmann) - 05.04.2023: The Committee of Land Valuation Experts in Saxony-Anhalt has published the Real Estate Market Report 2023 with contributions by Prof. Dr. Silke Hüttel and Dr. Stefan Seifert on the price formation in farmland markets.
- 13.02.2023: Professor Dr. Silke Hüttel offers two master's theses on the topic of profitability of water storage basins. The supervision is done in cooperation with the Thünen Institute.
Announcement (The current password can be requested from Mrs. Reichmann)