Exam Unternehmensplanung

Learning objectives:
Application of methods from Operations Research to decision problems in the strategic, tactical and operative Production Management within industrial companies, including environmental aspects.

Overview of the module contents and lecture notes:

  • 1. Project management, digitization
  • 2. R&D management, creativity management, innovation management
  • 3. Portfolio management & product life cycle, simulation & sales forecasting
  • 4. Location planning, MCDM methods for decision support
  • 5. Transportation planning, decision methods for transportation
  • 6. Yield management

The lecture will be held by Prof. Dr. Tim Schröder. The exam will take place on {tba}.


  • Hahn, D.; Laßmann, G.: Produktionswirtschaft. Bd. 1, Heidelberg 1999
  • Schneeweiß, C.: Einführung in die Produktionswirtschaft. 8. Auflage, Springer Heidelberg 2002
  • Brockhoff, K.: Forschung und Entwicklung: Planung und Kontrolle. 5. Auflage, München 1998
  • Weber, J.; Kummer, S.: Logistikmanagement. 2. Auflage, Schäfer-Poeschel 1998