IMINTDYN Software Version 8.2 -June 20, 2024
IMINTDYN can be obtained free of charge for those institutions who possess a regular licence of SDTrimSP !!
IMINTDYN is a versatile new software package for simulation of any kind of ion-solid interaction based on binary collision approximation and Monte Carlo methods.
IMINTDYN = "Ion Matter Interaction - Dynamic"
The software is written in FORTRAN and uses the binary collision approximation and runs on all sequential and parallel platforms with a F90 compiler.
Preferably one should use INTELs OneAPI Compiler with HPC (high power computing) toolkit.
We run the program on DELL Workstations 7865 and 7875 with AMD Ryzen Threadripper processor with 24 and 36 cores and Ubuntu Linux operating system. These machines are fast enough, so that even complex simulations (like dynamic simulations of sputter erosion and pattern formation or high energy ion beam analysis simulations) can be carried out faster than the corrsponding duration of an experiment.
Approximate costs: Compiler 830 € (academic use) ; Workstation Dell 7875 with 36 core processor: 8500 €
Brief description:
The SDTrimsP program calculates ranges, reflection coefficients and sputtering yields as well as more detailed information like depth distributions of implanted and energy distributions of back-scattered and sputtered atoms. IMINTDYN has a much wider range of applications and can also efficiently be applied to calculate MeV ion back scattering, simulate elastic recoil detection analysis (ERDA) spectra and coincidence ERDA spectra. IMINTDYN can also simulate low energy back-scattering spectra occurring in He ion microscopy.
The program uses the Monte_Carlo concept and the Binary Collision Approximation.
The book " Simulation of Ion-Solid Interactions, by W. Eckstein, Springer, 1991) describes most of the physics behind IMINTDYN.
The program is based on SDTrimSP (Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics and TRIDYN (HZ Dresden Rossendorf) but it offers many, many more simulation options.
Completely new options are:
Table of SRIM electronic stopping for all elements up to projectile energies of 2 GeV.
Vacancy as a real target element species including vacancy generation and annihilation
Simulation of ultra-low energy ion irradaition of 2D materials and ultra-thin films
Simulation and prediction of dimer and trimer sputtering yields
Enforced scattering option for efficient simulation of ion beam analysis
Non-Rutherford and nuclear reaction cross section can be included
Calculation of crater function moments for prediction of ion-induiced surface pattern formation
Post processing programs to extract data for EBS, RBS, HR-RBS, ERDA, C-ERDA, ERCS, NRA
The program uses parallel processing with Message Passing Interface routines
The program is written in FORTRAN and compiled using the INTEL OneAPI compiler
The program efficiently runs on a Workstation with AMD Ryzen Threadripper PRo processor with 24 up to 92 cores.
The simulation time is typically faster than a real experiment.
The script language is no longer a set of cryptic abbrevations but has intuitive meaningful commands
The draft of a User's manual and a Command Parameter Document of program Version 8.2 are available for download here.
Download User' Manual
Download Command Parameter List
PDF posters of presentations at the spring meeting of the German Physical Society (DPG) 2024 are available for download.
Download Poster "W Implantation into Carbon + HRRBS analysis"
Download Poster "Simulation of Ion Beam Analysis"
Download Poster "Simulation of Oligomer Sputtering"