Welcome to the Institute of Political Science at the University of Göttingen
Welcome to the Institute of Political Science at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, a renowned centre for academic excellence in the field of political science.
Located in the historic city of Göttingen, the Institute promotes excellent research, high-quality teaching and international academic cooperation. Under the leadership of distinguished professors, the Institute's research encompasses the fields of International Relations, Comparative Politics & Political Economy, Political Theory and History of Ideas, Political Science/Didactics of Politics, Political System of the Federal Republic of Germany, and State and Democracy in Modern India. The interdisciplinary environment of the University of Göttingen promotes research and co-operation with strengths in the fields of development economics, law, ethnology and sociology. The Institute's commitment to a comprehensive and engaging education of students is reflected in innovative teaching methods and a curriculum that encourages critical thinking. In addition, the Institute's teaching emphasises personal support and an intensive exchange between students and lecturers.
Internationalization is moreover an important key aspect. The institute is part of the renowned ENLIGHT network, which promotes academic exchange, joint research projects and international knowledge transfer. This global perspective offers students the opportunity to gain valuable intercultural experience while studying abroad, enriching their academic careers. The Institute's diverse and inclusive community, as well as the varied English-language curriculum, welcomes international students and enables them to integrate seamlessly into campus life at Göttingen University.
In conclusion, the Institute of Political Science at the University of Göttingen is characterised by a dynamic research environment, extensive interdisciplinary collaboration, excellent teaching with a diverse range of different fields of work, and a strong international presence that optimally prepares students for careers in various fields.
News and events
The Institute of Political Science mourns the loss of Privatdozent Dr Klaus Detterbeck
It is with deep sorrow that the Institute informs that PD Dr Klaus Detterbeck sadly passed away on 15 September 2023.
The obituary of the Institute and the Department of Political Science can be found here.
Book launch "Making the European Green Deal Work" on 18 January 2024
On 18 January 2024 at at 4pm UK time, the book "Making the European Green Deal Work - EU Sustainability Policies at Home and Abroad" will be launched online via Zoom as part of the 'Spotlight on' series of the University Association for Contemporary European Studies in a discussion between the editors Dr. Helene Dyrhauge from Roskilde University and Dr. Kristina Kurze from University of Göttingen and Andrássy University Budapest alongside
Dr. Tomas Maltby from King's College London.
Registration for the virtual book launch and further information about the book can be found here.From 24 to 27 September 2024, the 29th Scientific Congress of the DVPW on the topic of "Politics in the Polycrisis" will take place at the Georg-August-Universität in Göttingen:
The Institute of Political Science is very pleased to host the 29th Scientific Congress of the DVPW on the topic of "Politics in the Polycrisis" from 24 to 27 September 2024 at the Georg-August-University in Göttingen.
#dvpw2024 - Detailed information on the German Political Science Association and the DVPW Congress theme 2024 can be found here.
Prof. Dr. Anja Jetschke, Managing Director of the Institute of Political Science, was elected to the 27th Executive IPSA Council Committee:
Prof. Dr. Anja Jetschke was elected for the second time to the Executive IPSA Council Committee on 19 July 2023 at the IPSA World Congress of Political Science in Buenos Aires and is the Chair of the Publications Committee for the term 2023 - 2025, alongside Madalena Meyer Resende. The International Political Science Association is an international political science professional association with currently around 3600 individual members. Its mission is to promote the advancement and development of political science worldwide, to build a global academic network for political scientists, and to create an inclusive and global political science community. For detailed information on the International Political Science Association's activities, areas of interest and publications, please click here.
The Institute congratulates Prof. Dr. Jetschke on her re-election!Prof. Dr. Andreas Busch, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, was appointed to the Wilton Park Advisory Council by the Wilton Park Board:
Wilton Park Advisory Council by the Wilton Park Board: Wilton Park is a sub-organisation of the United Kingdom Foreign Office and has served for 75 years as an international forum and network for strategic discussions and debates on important global issues and, in particular, promotes the formation of trusting contacts through an open dialogue between experts and decision-makers at the international level. The main topics include human rights, development, peacebuilding, arms control, climate change, migration, gender issues and education. For detailed information on Wilton Park's areas of activity, interests, advisory board responsibilities and events, please click here.
The Institute warmly congratulates him on his appointment!Our colleague Prof. Dr. Monika Oberle has secured two new research projects:
a Jean Monnet project on the professionalisation of teachers in relation to EU education as well as a project of the Federal Agency for Civic Education on the development and research of EU simulation games. Another project on monitoring civic education was extended. Detailed information on the projects can be found in the section Research and on the homepage of political didactics.
The Institute congratulates warmly on these successes!There are currently no vacancies.
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