Dr. Johannes Becker

Email: johannes.becker@zmo.de
Website: https://www.zmo.de/personen/dr-johannes-becker

Current Research project: Migrant arrival contexts in transregional comparison: Local figurations and differing collective histories of Assyrians in Germany and Jordan (DFG, 2023-2026)

Regional focus: Middle East, especially Jordan, Palestine, Israel; Germany

Former Research Fellow at the Institute of Methods and Methodological Principles in the Social Sciences

University of Göttingen
Institute of Methods and Methodological Principles in the Social Sciences
- Interpretative Research -
Goßlerstraße 19
37073 Göttingen

Research Projects:
Dynamic figurations of refugees, migrants, and longtime residents in Jordan since 1946: between peaceable and tension-ridden co-existence?

Belonging to the Outsider and Established Groupings: Palestinians and Israelis in Various Figurations

Becker Weidenhaus Witte_Biographie und Raum_200.pdfBecker, Johannes/Weidenhaus Gunter/Witte, Nicole (Hrsg.)(2022): Biographie und Raum. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen.
The volume is also available as a free download

cover globale fluchtBahl, Eva/Becker, Johannes (2020): Global processes of flight and migration. The explanatory power of case studies. / Globale Flucht- und Migrationsprozesse. Die Erklärungskraft von Fallstudien. Göttingen: Göttingen University Press.
The volume is also available as a free download