Phillip Schroeder
Between Centre and Periphery – Public Transport Infrastructures, Planning Practices and Urban Identities in Leningrad and Tashkent (1941-1977)
Research interests:
- History of the Soviet Union - Socialist cities/urban studies, Late Socialism
- History of technology and infrastructure
- Mobility and spatial history
- History of Central Asia (in the Soviet Union)
Since October 2020 – Research assistant at the Department for Medieval and Modern History, Georg-August-University Göttingen
Since October 2019 – PhD-student at the Department for Medieval and Modern History, Georg-August-University Göttingen
August 2018 – September 2020 – student research assistant at the Department for Medieval and Modern History, Georg-August-University Göttingen
September 2016 – August 2017 – guide at the Museum Friedland
October 2013 – September 2019 – Studies in History and German Philology (B.A. in 2016) and Eastern European History, German and Slavic Philology (M.A. in 2019) at the Georg-August-University Göttingen and the Higher School of Economics Saint-Petersburg
2017/2018 DAAD travel grant for exchange semesters at the Higher School of Economics Saint-Petersburg
2016 DAAD travel grant for the II. International Summer School “The Topography of Imperial Power: The Political Space of Saint-Petersburg”
The Second Line of the Leningrad/ Saint Petersburg Metro between Old and New Urban Structures, in: Journal of Urban History (2021),
“Dividing a City: The Flooding of the Saint Petersburg Metro (1995–2004).” Environment & Society Portal, Arcadia (Autumn 2019), no. 43. Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society.
together with Martin Rohde: Sewastopol/Sevastopol', in: Online Lexikon zur Kultur und Geschichte der Deutschen im östlichen Europa, 2019. URL:
Conference reports:
Abschlussbericht zum Studientag „Alltag im deutsch-französischen Grenzraum in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Transnationale Perspektiven“, Strasbourg, 14./15. März 2019,
Veber vsega živoj! Veber vsegda s nami! Weber lebt immer! Weber ist immer bei uns! Bericht zur Konferenz „Fragile Moderne aus der Perspektive Max Webers: Die Welt und Russland zu Beginn des III. Jahrtausends“ an der Higher School of Economics National Research University, Moskau 2019,
Conference participation:
Urban Infrastructures in Soviet Tashkent. Transferring the model Soviet city? “Logistical Power Workshop. Infrastructures and State Formation Beyond the Nation State” at the Munich Center for Technology in Society (MCTS) and the Technical University Munich, December 2020.
Taškent sovetskij – Taškent uzbekskij. Architektory, inženery, gradostroiteli i gorodskaja infrastruktura meždu “centrom” i “periferiej”. “XIV Meždunarodnaja naučno-praktičeskaja konferencija. Istorija nauki i techniki. Muzejnoe delo” at the Polytechnical Museum Moscow, December 2020.
Urbane Infrastrukturen zwischen Moskau, Leningrad und Taschkent. Technologietransfer in der Sowjetunion. "DGO Online-Kolloquium" der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Osteuropakunde e.V., June 2020.
Tabula rasa in der Hauptstadt Zentralasiens? Stadt- und Verkehrsinfrastrukturplanung im sowjetischen Taschkent (1962-1977). "Oberseminar/Kolloquium des Lehrstuhls für Neuere und Neueste Geschichte mit dem Schwerpunkt der Geschichte Osteuropas" an der FAU Erlangen, June 2020.
Urban transport as a matter of identity? Constructing the Leningrad metro first line (1944-1955). „Cities in the USSR and the Eastern Bloc. Urbanization, Ecology and the Municipal Economy 1917-1991“ at the FAU Erlangen, February 2020.
‘Den Pulkovo-Meridian entlang.‘ Die zweite Linie der Leningrader Metro zwischen neuen und alten Stadtstrukturen. „New Approaches in Central and East European History: The Digital and Spatial Turn“ at the IKGN Lüneburg, November 2019.
Von Petersburg nach Leningrad. Zwischen sowjetischen Zukunftsvisionen und historischen Stadtstrukturen. „Welt und Wissenschaft“ at the Higher School of Economics National Research University, Moscow, April 2019.
Repräsentationen sowjetischen Kunst und Geschichtsverständnisses im Petersburger Untergrund. „Welt und Wissenschaft“ at the Higher School of Economics National Research University, Moscow, April 2018.
'Now something began you can't even imagine' The battle of Stalingrad in memory and percipience. 'Think Big Week Usable Pasts' Higher School of Economics National Research University, Saint-Petersburg, February 2017.