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Sustainable International Agriculture (M.Sc.)


Sustainable International Agriculture (SIA) is a joint study programme of the agricultural faculties of the University of Göttingen and the University of Kassel-Witzenhausen. This Joint degree is for students who want to contribute to a sustainable development of agriculture worldwide. It offers a well-founded knowledge of bio-physical and socio-economic factors determining agricultural livelihood systems, an understanding of global ecosystems and their relationship with agriculture and social, professional and methodological expertise. The study programme is internationally oriented.

Sustainable International Agriculture
Master of Science (Joint Degree)
Standard period of study:
4 semesters
Double Degree
winter semester
Language of the Programme:
limited admission (online application to the Faculty)
Special Features:
Chargeable; own Fee Schedule

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Sustainable International Agriculture

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Faculty of Agricultural Sciences

University of Göttingen

Cross-programme Studenten Sport Fußball 2

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Living, finances and culture


The scientific and project-oriented study programme teaches methodical, cooperative and interdisciplinary competences, which are more and more important in the professional world. Basic knowledge taught in the obligatory modules is combined with specialised, up-to-date knowledge and analytical/ methodical skills taught in a wide range of mandatory and elective modules. This ensures the relevance of the knowledge gained through the programme for the mentioned professional fields.

The study programme offers three possibilities for specialization (profiles):

The profile “International Agribusiness and Rural Development Economics” within the MSc program “Sustainable International Agriculture” trains students to analyse socio-economic interactions between individuals, resources and markets in agriculture using up-to-date quantitative and qualitative methods. Students acquire the tools they need to contribute to the provision of answers to vital questions ranging from the macro-level (e.g. global hunger, the world trade system) to the meso-level (e.g. the structure and performance of national and international food chains; food safety and quality issues) and the micro-level (e.g. the efficiency of agricultural production, participation and poverty at the household level) in agricultural systems.

Four compulsory modules must be taken (24 ECTS): World agricultural markets and trade, Econometrics I, Socioeconomics of rural development and food security, Sustainable International Agriculture: basic principles and approaches. Five compulsory elective modules (3o ECTS) must be chosen (among these, at least one methodological module). Six elective modules (36 ECTS) are to be chosen (you can also choose elective modules from the list of so far not attended compulsory elective modules or B-level language courses totalling 6C may be considered once as electives, provided that the course is not English or the student's native language)

The profile “International Organic Agriculture” within the MSc program “Sustainable International Agriculture” offers students the unique possibility to focus entirely on Organic Agriculture. It includes the broad range of topics from soil, crop and animal sciences, as well as environmental, social and economic sciences. You will be asked to: Examine and assess the validity of literature from the natural and social sciences, statistics and other documents. Use state-of-the art statistical techniques to analyse ‘hard‘ and ‘soft‘ data. Apply laboratory methods, technical procedures and qualitative / quantitative approaches of data collection. Interpret and display research data. Apply your skills in the context of international and organic agriculture and agroecosystems‘ assessment.

One bridging module and four compulsory modules must be taken (30 ECTS): Soil and plant science (bridging module), Organic livestock farming under temperate and tropical conditions, Organic cropping systems under temperate and (sub)tropical conditions, Applied statistical modelling, Sustainable International Agriculture: basic principles and approaches. Four compulsory elective modules (24 ECTS) must be chosen (among these, at least one methodological module and one economic module). Six elective modules (36 ECTS) are to be chosen (you can also choose elective modules from the list of so far not attended compulsory elective modules or B-level language courses totalling 6C may be considered once as electives, provided that the course is not English or the student's native language)).

The profile “Tropical Agriculture” within the MSc program “Sustainable International Agriculture” aims at qualifying students to become open minded, well trained professionals in sustainable agricultural land use of integrated tropical and subtropical agro-ecosystems. A wide range of modules in soil, plant, animal and socio-economic sciences as well as method-oriented classes confer skills for in-depth analysis, understanding and possible modification of existing farming systems in the wake of need for a resource efficient production of agricultural goods that responds to the challenges of population growth, globalisation and climate change in a site-specific way. A bi-annual two-week excursion to a tropical country (e.g. Oman, Mexico, Kenya, and Thailand), and participation in on-going long-term field research projects of different faculty members allow you to test and apply your skills under real conditions while collecting credits.

One bridging module and four compulsory modules must be taken (30 ECTS): Soil and plant science (bridging module), Tropical animal husbandry systems, Crops and production systems in the tropics, Applied statistical modelling, Sustainable International Agriculture: basic principles and approaches (30 ECTS). Four compulsory elective modules (24 ECTS) must be chosen (among these, at least one methodological module). Six elective modules (36 ECTS) are to be chosen (you can also choose elective modules from the list of so far not attended compulsory elective modules or B-level language courses totalling 6C may be considered once as electives, provided that the course is not English or the student's native language).

Agricultural sciences and rural development are the central components of international development cooperation and world trade. In both fields, there is a growing need for qualified employees, including especially organic agriculture. Career opportunities include:

  • European and international agricultural administration and consultancy
  • Organic agriculture
  • Economic sectors related to agriculture
  • International organisations
  • Science and research

Related and consecutive/graduate programmes


The Master's programme in Sustainable International Agriculture (SIA) is comprising 120 ECTS, all SIA modules are taught in English. The programme consists of fifteen modules with 6 ECTS each, a Master's thesis in the 4th semester with 22,5 ECTS, and colloquium with 7,5 ECTS. SIA requires compulsory attendance and uses the following forms of teaching and learning: Direct contact courses, seminars, excursions, exercises, work groups, E-learning and projects.

The study program "Sustainable International Agriculture" (SIA) consists of three specialisation profiles with the following rules:

  • International Agribusiness and Rural Development:

    Four Compulsory Modules (24 C) must be completed; Five Elective Compulsory Modules (30 C) must be completed with at least one methodic module (code M); 30 Elective Modules (36 C) must be completed.

  • International Organic Agriculture:

    Five Compulsory Modules (30 C) must be completed; Four Elective Compulsory Modules (24 C) must be completed with at least one methodic module (code M) and one economic module (code E); 30 Elective Modules (36 C) must be completed.

  • Tropical Agricultural Science:

    5 Five Compulsory Modules (30 C) must be completed; Four Elective Compulsory Modules (24 C) must be completed with at least one methodic module (code M); 30 Elective Modules (36 C) must be completed.

Each module is worth 6 Credits. It is recommended to finish all compulsory modules in the first two semesters since it allows for an optional mobility window in the third semester. Because, the 3rd semester may be used for a semester abroad.

Regulations and module directory


Application deadlines

  • Non-EU and Non-EWR-applicants: November 1st - January 31st each year
  • EU-and EWR applicants: May 1st - June 15th each year

Previous studies

  • BSc of at least 3 years duration in Agriculture or other related degrees at an accredited institution in or outside Germany.
  • Applicants with other related degrees must demonstrate a minimum of 60 ECTS in agricultural subjects, which may include plant sciences, animal sciences, resource management, agricultural economics, or agricultural sociology. Applicants who have studied subjects such as botany, biochemistry, horticulture, biodiversity, ecology, nature conservation, molecular and cell biology, or biotechnology, which are not directly related to agriculture, are not eligible.
  • For more information see "Details".

Language requirements:

  • Applicants whose native language is not English are asked to submit a proof of proficiency in English (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS, GRE Scores).
  • More information

Further required documents

  • see "Details"


Academic Advising

Dr. Esther Fichtler

Büsgenweg 5
Room 1.125
37077 Göttingen

Phone: +49 551 39 28112

