Female students sit on a lawn and talk.



Are you interested in economics and enjoy imparting knowledge? Our Bachelor's programme in Business and Human Resource Education teaches you to shape educational processes in the field of business - and prepare the next generation to enter the business world.

BACHELOR'S PROGRAMME IN Business and Human Resource Education


Summer and winter semester


6 semesters




180 Credits


Open admission (enrolment without previous application)


Under what conditions do pupils acquire economic competences? How can learning environments in companies and in commercial vocational schools be designed in a meaningful way? Our interdisciplinary Bachelor’s degree programme in Business Education provides you with both the economic knowledge and the pedagogical expertise to educate the next generation of economists. This combination opens up different career paths for you. For example, you will qualify to work in the fields of human resources and organisational development in industry and business. For a career as a teacher at (German) commercial vocational schools, you will complete the Master’s programme in Business and Human Resource Education after graduating with a Bachelor's degree. This entitles you to enter the preparatory service for the teaching profession ("Referendariat"). With sound subject and methodological knowledge from economics and educational sciences as well as experience from internships in vocational schools, you are ideally equipped for the various paths.

  • Economics: Building up expertise

    The subject area of economics is divided into three parts: key and subject-specific basic competences (36 credits); subject-specific business studies (42 credits) and subject-specific economics (18 credits). In the respective compulsory modules in these areas, you will gain knowledge of the fundamental problems and approaches to solutions in economics. In addition to knowledge in business administration and economics, you will learn how to use information and communication systems as well as mathematical and statistical methods. In the module "Companies and Markets", you will receive an overview of the economics and business administration contents of the degree programme and get to know various lecturers. You will then apply the theoretical knowledge you have acquired directly in a computer-based business game.

    In the areas of "Subject-specific Business Studies" and "Subject-specific Economics", you will also deepen this knowledge, for example by taking modules that you can choose from a predefined selection. You will take topics such as sustainability management and controlling, fundamentals of international economic relations or corporate management and organisation in order to develop a comprehensive understanding of economic contexts. In addition, you already take a first module in your second subject in the first semester.

    96 Credits

  • Business education: Learning didactics

    Here you will receive an introduction to business education as well as educational science basics and theories of teaching and learning in the commercial sector. For example, you will learn how to plan, organise and evaluate educational processes. You will also acquire knowledge about learning theories, teaching methods, curriculum design, educational psychology and the promotion of learning processes.

    You will also complete a five-week orientation internship to get to know the tasks of teachers at commercial vocational schools. You will teach, assess and advise, develop curricula and educational programmes. During the internship, you will teach a 90-minute lesson in the field of business and administration and a 45- or 90-minute lesson in your second subject under supervision. We prepare you for this experience in detail in a seminar and a tutorial.

    36 Credits

  • Second subject: Form specialisation

    During your studies in business education, you will take a second subject that you will teach while at a vocational school. You can choose from the following subjects:

    • German

    • English

    • Protestant Religion

    • French

    • Computer Science

    • Mathematics

    • Spanish

    • Physical Education

    • Political Science

    For the subjects English, French and Spanish, a special aptitude must be proven, such as a language test (see "Study structure: Module overview" (PDF)). The second teaching subjects are also offered by other faculties at Göttingen University. Some faculties have limited the study places in these subjects that can be taken by Business and Human Resource Education students. These include:

    • Sports (15 places in the winter semester and 10 places in the summer semester)

    • Political Science (3 places in winter semester and 2 places in summer semester)

    There are no restrictions in all other subjects. The Faculty of Economic Sciences offers a total of 79 places on the Bachelor's programme in Business Education. The vocational schools welcome subject combinations with mathematics, computer science and Spanish (as of 2021).

    36 Credits

  • Bachelor's thesis: Bringing together what we have learned

    The final thesis enables you to apply the knowledge you have acquired and to work on a concrete problem within a given time. In doing so, you will use all the skills you have learned during your studies: Methods, critical thinking and independent work. You will work on current, practice-relevant topics on didactic and pedagogical challenges. With your Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree, you can apply for the Master’s programme in Business and Human Resource Education. After successful completion, this gives you access to the preparatory service for the teaching profession at commercial vocational schools.

    12 Credits

  • Study plan and additional links


  • Career relevance

  • Numerous career paths

  • Critical skills

  • Interdisciplinary approach

We are in constant exchange with committees and school administrations in order to make our study programme relevant and practical. To prepare you optimally for professional life, you will complete an internship during your studies in which you will put your theoretical knowledge into practice and gain insights into real work processes. Our excellent networking with vocational schools - especially in Lower Saxony - makes it easier for you to find an internship and gives you initial contacts for your future career.

A student wears virtual reality goggles and holds two controllers in his hands.

The polyvalent orientation of our Bachelor's programme opens up a variety of career paths for you. For example, it qualifies you for the Master’s degree in Business and Human Resource Education, which allows you to work at state vocational schools or in education management in public administration, such as ministries of education or school boards, after graduation. With the bachelor's degree, a job in the economy is open to you - for example, in the personnel development of companies or with independent educational providers and private educational institutions.

A student walks up a staircase in the stairwell of the learning and study building.

Specialised knowledge is not enough to be successful in teaching in vocational schools or in business. Our degree programme therefore provides you with the skills you need: For example, the basics of teaching and learning, didactic skills such as communicating complex content in a comprehensible way or giving constructive feedback, but also organisational knowledge, for example, about the structure and processes in the VET system or about education management issues. You can apply this directly in practice.

Two female students are standing in the library looking at a book. One of the two students points to a certain passage in the book.

Through the interdisciplinary combination of economics, pedagogy as well as another freely selectable teaching subject, our Bachelor's programme integrates different subject perspectives. In this way, you learn to integrate information and findings from different disciplines in order to look at issues from an economic, pedagogical and educational policy perspective. This enables you to gain a holistic understanding of the topics and promotes an interdisciplinary approach that will help you in your day-to-day professional practice.

A group of six students, four men and two women, sit in a circle of chairs and discuss animatedly.


  • Portrait photo of Sascha Otten. He is wearing a blue shirt.

    “What I particularly like about the Bachelor's programme in Business and Human Resource Education is that it is an interdisciplinary science. In addition to modules from business administration and economics, you get an insight into the second teaching subject as well as educational sciences and subject didactics. As a prospective teacher, I find the latter areas particularly important, as you can acquire your first competencies in relation to the teaching profession there.“

    Sascha Otten,

    Bachelor’s programme in Business and Human Resource Education

  • Portrait photo of Daniel Bartels. He is wearing a blue polo shirt.

    “I already tutored from time to time during my school years, which eventually led me to the business and human resource education degree programme and my career aspiration of becoming a teacher. I started my studies with a technical college entrance qualification. I chose computer science as my second subject because I believe that digital skills are becoming more and more relevant in the vocational school itself, but also in the working world.“

    Daniel Bartels,

    Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Business and Human Resource Education

  • Portrait photo of Annika Strahl. She is wearing a blue blazer and a white T-shirt.

    “The University of Göttingen offers numerous seminars, tutorials and lectures, which you can choose relatively freely in the higher semesters, so that you can organise your studies according to your own preferences. Göttingen was the ideal, manageable place for me to study, with a wide range of cultural and leisure activities that invited me to enjoy student life outside of the university. I would gladly choose both the place of study and the university again and again!“

    Annika Strahl,

    Human Resources Support and HR Controlling, TUI Customer Operations GmbH (TCO)

How to apply

Three simple steps to enrolment to the faculty

  • 1.

    Open admisssion degree programmes: You can enrol in these degree programmes without prior application. Enter your personal data in the application and enrolment portal of the University of Göttingen and provide information about your desired degree programme.

  • 2.

    Upload the documents required for enrolment and submit the application. You can then complete your online enrolment by entering additional data.

  • 3.

    After you have transferred the semester fees to the university, you will receive a confirmation with information about your enrolment as well as your student ID and your semester ticket by email.

Register now!

We accompany you through your studies

Your teaching team (selection)

  • Portrait photo of Susan Seeber. She is wearing a purple blazer and a black shirt.
    Business Education and Human Resource Development
    Prof. Dr. Susan Seeber

    “The vocational education and training system is highly exciting, complex and very dynamic: digitalisation, sustainability, migration movements - what are the resulting requirements for vocational education and training and how do we deal with them? I am happy when I see students developing a critical view of how they deal with issues of teaching vocational skills to prospective business people and with supporting open-minded young people.“

  • Portrait photo of Viola Deutscher
    Business Education and Digital Vocational Learning
    Prof. Dr. Viola Deutscher

    "Good teaching is adaptive and interactive. If you want to teach a topic successfully, you adapt the learning paths to the needs and interests of the learners and let them do as much as possible themselves."

  • Portrait photo of Michael Wolff. He is wearing a blue suit and a white shirt.
    Management and Control
    Prof. Dr. Michael Wolff

    "Supporting students in their transition to professional life always motivates me. And when I see the alumni again after a few years and they remember the course content, it makes me happy."

  • Portrait photo of Olaf Korn. He is wearing a blue jacket and a light blue shirt.
    Prof. Dr. Olaf Korn

    "Finance is not about rich people getting richer. Rather, a good understanding of corporate finance is a key element in really making the transformation to a sustainable economy with sustainable businesses. That's what I want to work on with you."

  • Portrait photo of Stefan Dierkes. He wears a blue jacket and a white shirt.
    Finance and Control
    Prof. Dr. Stefan Dierkes

    “I have an incredible amount of fun diving into the depths of the world of finance and controlling with the students. The students are invited to actively participate in the teaching so that the content is deeply understood and critically reflected upon. I also find the integration of business practice important, for example in the form of discussion rounds or seminars conducted in cooperation with companies.“

  • Portrait photo of Waldemar Toporowski. He wears a black jacket and a white shirt.
    Marketing and Retail Management
    Prof. Dr. Waldemar Toporowski

    “I want to make clear that the value of studying is not the accumulation of existing knowledge. Rather, it is about acquiring the skills to systematically question these findings, to formulate and justify the possible doubts and to find ways to confirm or dispel them.“

Do you have any questions?

Are you wondering whether a study programme at the Faculty of Business and Economics is right for you or do you have questions about the course of studies, placement in a higher semester or recognition of academic achievements? During our office hours, we advise you on site at the Oeconomicum, digitally via BBB and by telephone without prior registration.

Student Advisory Office

+49 551 39-28800 service-center.wiwi.uni-goettingen.de

Oeconomicum, 1st floor, Room 1.135

Portrait photo of the student advisory service. From left: Dorothee Konings wears a turquoise blouse, Dennie Oertel wears a dark blue checked jacket and a white shirt and Anja Schöfer wears a black blazer and a white blouse.