The E-Learning-Serviceteam
The central e-learning service team sees itself as the point of contact for questions regarding e-learning. Below you will find information about the individual members of the team and their main areas of work.
For all inquiries about the e-learning systems (Stud.IP / Ilias and Media Server) we have set up a special support e-mail address: Thus, you always receive assistance - regardless of the availability of individual employees.
You will find the e-learning service team on the central campus in the “Mehrzweckgebäude” (MZG, Blauer Turm, Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5, 37073 Göttingen). Go to map

Dr. Dirk Lanwert
Team management
Room: MZG 5.142
Tel. +49 551 39 12108
Fax. +49 551 39 18 12108

Christian Fliegner
Application support of e-learning systems
Room: MZG 5.131
Tel. +49 551 39 26012
Fax. +49 551 39 18 26012

Dr. Holger Markus
Conception and implementation of e-exams
Room: MZG 5.119
Tel. +49 551 39 20358
Fax. +49 551 39 18 20358

Andreas Oehlmann
Conception, implementation and administration of e-exams
Room: MZG 5.119
Tel. +49 551 39 26014
Fax. +49 551 39 18 26014

Almut Reiners
E-learning counseling and training
Room: MZG 5.131
Tel. +49 551 39 26017
Fax. +49 551 39 18 20131

Natalia Lischer
E-learning counseling and training
Room: MZG 5.119
Tel. +49 551 39 26015
Fax. +49 551 39 18 26015

Tatyana Tasche
E-learning counseling and training
Room: MZG 7.135
Tel. +49 551 39 26020
Fax. +49 551 39 18 26020

Chahira Nouira
Instructional Design
Room: MZG 7.135
Tel. +49 551 39 26021
Fax. +49 551 39 18 26021

Andreas Zahn
Further development of e-assessment software
Room: MZG 7.124-7.129
Tel. +49 551 39 26022
Fax. +49 551 39 18 26022
Sebastian Utermann
Digital Cooperation – Software administration project Co3Learn
Room: MZG 5.119
Tel. +49 551 39 26025
Dr. Henrike Neubauer
Digitale Kooperation - Mat/Inf im Projekt Co3Learn
Room: MZG 5.119
Tel. +49 551 39 26026
Julika Moos
Digitale Kooperation - Geisteswissenschaften im Projekt Co3Learn
Room: MZG 5.119
Tel. +49 551 39 26028