Internationalisierung der Curricula

ENLIGHT Learning Community


What does it take to make teaching collaboration (more) inclusive?
Teaching staff from all disciplines across the ENLIGHT network with an interest in online teaching collaboration as well as academic support staff are warmly invited to join us online!


Hybrid Bar Camp on Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL),

COIL'de BarCamp 2023

On May 4, 2024, the COIL'DE network invites you to a BarCamp at the LUX Pavilion in Mainz and online. A BarCamp is based on the interests of the participants, who co-create the event together. In the morning, we will focus on the topic of "How to develop sustainable COILs in Germany" and in the afternoon the session will be called "Learn and share - COILs in Germany and abroad". Registration is possible until April 12.


ROCKET - Role-Playing Games on Conflict Transformation for Equity in Higher Education through Virtual Exchange

logo ROCKET project

ROCKET is an international project that receives co-funding by the Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnerships program from January 2024 until June 2026 and puts an emphasis on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. In collaboration, the universities of Goettingen, Groningen and Uppsala seek to develop a sustainable concept for Critical Virtual Exchange.
