At the Faculty of Social Sciences
Academic Writing Advisory Service
Do you write an academic text in the social sciences and are looking for support? Feel free to schedule an appointment with us.We offer advice on how to…
- plan and organize the writing process,
- develop a topic and formulate the research question,
- structure the paper in a coherent way,
- write, rewrite and revise drafts,
- use sources and avoid plagiarism,
- and more.
Individual Appointments
We offer consultations online (BBB) and at the office (Oec 1.117).
Schedule now via schreibberatung@sowi.uni-goettingen.de
Drop-in Sessions (no appointment necessary)
Mondays 2-3 p.m.
At the Office: OEC 1.117
Via BigBlueButton
At the Office: OEC 1.117
Via BigBlueButton
How to Use Sources and Avoid Plagiarism
Dealing with Academic Plagiarism – for Teachers at the Faculty of Social Sciences- Recommendations for Dealing with Academic Plagiarism in Student Texts
This document provides descriptions of several types of academic plagiarism that may help lecturers identify (possible) plagiarism in student texts. It offers criteria for assessing the severity of (possible) plagiarism and guidance for the necessary steps in dealing with instances of academic plagiarism. - Template for the Documentation of Academic Plagiarism
This template facilitates the documentation of academic plagiarism in student texts. You may use this template to share instances of plagiarism with the Examination Office, which will take over from there.
Quoting, Paraphrasing & Avoiding Plagiarism
Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Oeconomicum, Raum 1.117
Tel.: 0551/39-24327
Uta Scheer
Valerie Bleisteiner
Termine nach Vereinbarung.
Offene Sprechzeiten ohne Anmeldung:
Di 14:00 - 16:00 im LRC (SUB)
Mi 10:00 - 11:30 OEC 1.117
Am Mittwoch, den 10.07.2024, entfallen die offenen Sprechstunden (in Präsenz & online).