Welcome at the Chair of Forest Inventory and Remote Sensing!

Informed and transparent decisions for appropriate management and policy-making require reliable information and data. This is especially true for the sustainable management of natural resources and complex ecosystems such as forests.

In academic teaching, relevant techniques of data collection and the derivation of statistically validated results from sampling, remote sensing analysis and modelling are taught. Students are made aware of the importance of scientifically validated data and information as a basis for decision making and an appropriate consideration of sources of error.

Our research focuses on the development and optimization of existing data collection methods for forest inventories and a meaningful integration of different remote sensing data available at increasing spatial and temporal resolution.

Contact us

Department Head:
Prof. Dr. Christoph Kleinn | CKleinn@gwdg.de
Room 1.117 | +49 [0]551 39-33473
Office hours: By appointment

Administration / Secretariat:
Silvia Wagner | Silvia.Wagner@uni-goettingen.de
Room 1.113 | +49 [0]551 39-33472

Office Hours:

Monday to Friday:  09:00 - 12:00 Uhr
Wednesday: No Office hour

Find us here

Georg-August-University Göttingen
Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology
Chair of Forest Inventory and Remote Sensing
Büsgenweg 5
37077 Göttingen

Site map