Masterthesis opportunity on "Establishment success of plant species within sown wildflower fields"

The establishment of sown wildflower strips or fields is a widely adopted agri-environmental measure to promote the diversity of flower-visiting insects and other arthropods in agricultural landscapes. However, the attractiveness of sown flower fields largely depends on the establishment of the sown plant species and changes in species composition over time ...more

Masterthesis opportunity on "Interacting effects of flower strips and landscape diversity on spiders and carabids at the landscape scale"

Semi-natural habitats in agricultural landscapes, such as hedges and flower margins, can promote biodiversity. This includes beneficial organisms that can provide biological pest control in crop fields. However, the effectiveness of semi-natural habitats to support pest predators can depend also on the landscape context. ...more

Bachelor thesis opportunity on "Do floral traits differ between cherry cultivars? (Can these differences be used to strategically attract pollinators?)"

Project significance: Alternatives to conventional agriculture are urgently needed to sustain ecosystem functions and services. Ecological intensification is a promising concept, aiming to improve agricultural system performance and efficiency through actively managing functional biodiversity to sustainably enhance delivery of production-supporting ecosystem services. ...more