
Our workshops offer an engaging learning journey, with a wide range of educational methods. The objective is to cultivate interest in various cultures, enhance your intercultural competence, and prepare you for exciting interactions.

In interactive classroom gatherings students connect within a dynamic learning environment, and collaborate with their peers to delve into the world of intercultural competence.

Impressions from our workshops:

Introductory workshops

Unser Workshop zu kulturallgemeiner Sensibilisierung und Strukturen von Kultur, die Verhalten und Kommunikation beeinflussen, ein Einstieg in das Thema und ein Blick auf die Schnittstellen zu unterschiedlichen Studiengängen und Fachrichtungen.

4 ECTS / Zertifikat Interkulturelle:r Trainer:in / Zertifikat Internationales

This is our introductory workshop on cultural awareness raising for international students and national students who would like to discuss and interact on different perspectives on intercultural communication. We are looking at underlying structures of culture that influence communication and behavior in general and in the context of studying at the University of Goettingen.

4 ECTS / Zertifikat Interkulturelle:r Trainer:in / Zertifikat Internationales

Thematic workshops

Do you like to play? In this course, you will develop and broaden intercultural competence while engaging in games and play. Examples are educational role-play, board games with topics related to intercultural learning and games for storytelling all have the potential to enhance perspective-taking and building empathy. You will work with tools and practice skills for reflection that can deepen your intercultural learning experience.

Diese Veranstaltung ist geeignet für Studierende, die sich in der Gruppe von zukünftigen Ausreisenden aus unterschiedlichen Fakultäten auf ihren Auslandsaufenthalt im Rahmen des Studiums vorbereiten wollen. Kulturallgemeine Sensibilisierung wird in diesem Workshop erweitert um länderspezifische Erfahrungsberichte des Alumni-ExpertInnen-Netzwerks i2MoVe und aktuelle Informationen.

6 ECTS / Zertifikat Internationales

You can easily find yourself in an intercultural team without leaving the country or even your home town. This workshop is for students who are interested in the influence intercultural communication has on cooperation and performance in teams. Interactive methods enable reflection on individual communication styles and support aspects of the uniqueness of successful intercultural teams.


Certificate International

Would you like to apply your intercultural competence in a practical way? Then look after international students when they arrive in Göttingen, help create a cultural evening or form a writing partnership! At the University of Göttingen there are many opportunities for extra-curricular intercultural engagement. The "International Certificate" honors this commitment, international experience and intercultural competence within the framework of the InDiGU program.

In addition to a certain level of commitment, intercultural training must also be attended for the certificate. All of our workshops are suitable for this, the Training i2E is particularly recommended.

More information about the certificate can be found on the certificate website.

Register in StudIP to participate in our courses.

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Compact workshop

Dieser Workshop bietet die Gelegenheit, an zwei Abenden in einem interaktiven Format die Strukturen interkultureller Kommunikation kennenzulernen und eigene Einstellungen und Verhalten zu reflektieren. Studierende werden darauf vorbereitet, an der Universität Göttingen Diversity bewusst zu erleben und aktiv am Integrationsprozess teilzuhaben.

Sprache: Deutsch und Englisch

Zertifikat Internationales